I believe you can run just as much while on the MC. I usually climb, Day 2, 3, and 4 of the cleanse I climbed 3 days in a row and felt fine. Of course, on my 3rd consecutive day of climbing I did feel really tired. On day 7 of the cleanse, I did a hike and climbed, and then hiked back and everything was of normal energy. But that night I was really tired. I think the issue isn't if you have energy to run becuase I think you will (as numerous people have in fact commented that they feel great when they exercise), but the idea is to allow enough time for rest afterwards. I found that a minimum of 8 hrs of sleep per day was ncessary and some other days I had to take a nap. Of course, this could be due to not drinking enough water... I think you'll be fine.