20 y
Re: day 2 and nervous/bp issues
I'm reading your post and your saying your bowels aren't working and you ave a spine injury.
Putting two and two together, if the injury is low on your back, I'd quess that you may have a pinched nerve that controls the digestive area.
Nerves feeding every organ of the body run through the spine. Just a slight - out of alignment of the vertabras, is enough to shut off the nerve flow to a specific area.
Its similar to pinching a garden hose with the water running. You pinch the hose and the very little water goes through.
The specialist that fixes these kind of things is the Chiropractor.
Most people go to regular Drs. with these kind of things and usually never get fixed because they have no training in this area, except drugs and surgery.
The DRS. will say that Chiropractors are a bunch of quacks because they don't like someone else coming in and doing their job and getting good results at it.
Just some food for thought - something to look into if you haven't already.