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gold coins
  Views: 205
Published: 27 m

gold coins

1 ounce gold coins

$1,895 each

What good are they?

Just metal, just a religion or form of batering..

THE PROBLEM: The evil people say they OWN all LAND and if you do not pay them yearly TAX they will take your land by force---cops in uniforms with guns will remove you....

Government does not accept gold coins as payment for taxes... YES, you can trade gold coins for gov $$$ and then put that $$$ in their banks and then pay your taxes....

When it ALL FALLS APART----gold coins will not buy a chicken.......

Those caught with $$$$ in the bank or their tin can---THE JOKE IS ON THEM

When it all falls apart----those that can self-protect an raise their own foods understood $$$$ is like a hot potato

In the past 20 years the politicians have destroyed american $$$$ ----why would anyone want to pay taxes after they give trillions of $$$ away to all their buddies that rob the planet.

$$$$ has collapsed, people just want to ignore that as long as they can.



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