Re: Fruitarians for 20 Years - You Won't Believe Your Eyes
''those that hate children enough that they want them dead''
You see, when you force innocent souls against their will, without their permission/consent into this 'heavenly' dimension of a lifelong suffering and DEATH to satisfy your sadistic/megalomaniacal/loser/purposeless/bored to death/virtue signalling/ emotion-instinct driven(like a wild animal/beast) nature, you actually become THE ROOT CAUSE of their death since children are NOT immortal.
I love children so much that I will NOT force any child against his/her will into this heavenly dimensions to experience all the 'gifts' and 'wonders' of life such as a lifelong suffering from all points of views and sooner or (if lucky) later: DEATH.
I am NOT going to cause the DEATH of anybody or anything but YOU and other breediots caused and ARE causing and WILL cause the death of billions of children. ;)
I hope you realise that the root cause of the suffering and death of your children is: YOU.
I often wonder how can you sleep at night and live with yourself during the day KNOWING that your children will DIE because of YOUR boredom, poverty, selfishness, loneliness, irresponsibility, hope syndrome complex, hopium addiction, low IQ, megalomania, shallowness, emptiness, vanity, drama queen/king complex syndrome, hero complex syndrome, God complex syndrome, narcissism, virtue signalling syndrome, ignorance, arrogance, entitlement complex syndrome, needing a retirement plan.
Breediots are quite astonishingly evil and the ROOT CAUSE of ALL problems since the beginning of time.