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Reversing Hair Loss
Cyane Views: 341
Published: 30 m

Reversing Hair Loss

Hello MH,

It's been a while - I hope you and the family are doing well.

So basically, over a few years now, I have tried every single thing I can think of supplemental and topical or otherwise, and nothing has worked. My naturopath told me a few years back that I have the common "Male Pattern Baldness" and that stopping and reversing hair loss is a very difficult feat. I can tell by the way it looks that there is a lot of Calcification of the scalp and I imagine that has a lot to do with it because it restricts blood flow.

Anyway, I've spent so much time of the years trying to find the answer to my hair loss, but I've hit a dead end. Do you know what I need to do and/or take to fix this? Nobody in my family or previous generations had hair loss or balding, and I refuse to believe MPB is not reversible based on what I have read and I'm willing to do anything at this point to get my hair back and healthy.




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