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zoebess...thank u so much
want2bfree Views: 1,343
Published: 19 y

zoebess...thank u so much

Thank you so much for your post on Candida. I have had it and been working on it for a few years now. I was lucky in the fact I knew I had it because I had frequent yeast infections and then was diagnosed by a wonderful medical intuitive. I have used GSExtract, Threelac, oral nystatin etc. They all work wellbut I do go on Sugar and food binges because I crave it so bad, then it comes back. Seems like an endless cycle. I am on my first day of the master cleanse. The longest I have done it is 6 days and believe it or not it did help my yeast. Some people will say NO! because of the maple syrup, but for some reason The Master Cleanse is very positive for me. I am toying with taking the grapefruitseed extract while I cleanse but I know it isn't recommended. Whats your thoughts?


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