Grow some wispy lentil greens with your lentils. They're lovely additions to salads and stir fries! Easy to grow and cheap too. I grew these on a hydroponic tray, which is just a fancy way of saying a tray with little holes on top of another tray for the water.
I spray the sprouting lentils for the first few days but as soon as their little roots start poking through the tray, I put water in the tray below. Don't fill the tray up so that the lentils are sitting in water, they won't like that. Add just a little - the sprouts will send their roots down looking for it!
Change the water daily (sometimes I forget and I'm still here) otherwise it can become stagnant and smelly - not nice.
Keep them covered with another tray or something dark until they have grown leaves. Then let them have daylight and watch how fast they turn green!
Eat whenever you want. I let these grow a lot (10 days) but they're good to eat anytime around day 7 if you want nice leaves.
The longer you leave them, the more fibrous the stalks become. The wispy tops are lovely though.
Buon appetito!