3 y
Those that prepared
Those that prepared long ago, they have 2 or 4 ounce capped amber glass dropper bottles full of pure steam distilled oregano oil ----placed all over where they will be sure to always have plenty..................each adult would do well to have 5 gallons of wild oregano oil and use it daily........
The boy on the front page of the BOOK, puts 2 full droppers of wild oregano oil in a jug of water and drinks weekly----that is at least 60+ drops. HE SAYS it makes the water taste better. He grew up as a baby consuming wild oregano oil, so today, it just taste good. The brain decides what taste good and what does not taste good---life is all a MENTAL GAME......false education makes the brain do terrible things.......false education is what the organized force on all children they can get hold of under the law....the home schoolers and parents that never ever force their children past grade 8.........their parents and ancestors learned long ago what/who to avoid.
The old order amish living in homes barely heated, barefoot, home made cloths and their winter coats are all a very thin, simple cloth, because no one brain washed them and told them cold weather was bad for them....they were raised to believe that if you enjoy eating, you work and never ever do the children see something made of plastic to play with-------they all play with their brothers and sisters and neighbor kids-------none have time for some plastic / electric toy. They are the happiest children on the planet...because they had a proper education by their parents, they are boys and girls and know what boys and girls do in life......
it takes allot of poison physically and mentally to destroy children.....humans are tough, we adapt, we fight and most of all.....real humans are protected by that which is never seen.....this allows real humans to walk earth as "witnesses" and not victims of society. Real children laugh, play and play and play with their many sisters and brothers......they get up with the sun and go to bed at the end of the day, tired and happy...they never listen to a radio, watch a tv or plug anything in.......they work for the family, life is family and family is strong........those with out large families, are all victims of the organized slave owners, those trained in colleges to harm the lesser as their way to have more.