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Link to Video of my Live Blood Microscopy - What do you see??

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evariste Views: 398
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Link to Video of my Live Blood Microscopy - What do you see??

***Skip to bottom for video + timestamps. I would REALLY appreciate if people could weigh in on what they see / ID the microbes. I plan on showing this video to an ID doc but am not sure if they will even acknowledge the clinical relevance since MDs don't utilize live blood microscopy for some mysterious reason***

Background: diagnosed with LD in 2009. Went to a myriad of doctors including IM, ID, neuro, oncologist, etc. without any diagnosis. Found an LLMD and had an Igenex WB done; 4-5 bands came back pos+ or ind. Also a *conventional* standard bartonella test came back positive. Did oral abx on and off for +-9 months. Never well since...

Fast forward to 2019, I was attending ND school in Toronto and discovered "live blood microscopy" at a health & wellness expo. Got it done on the spot and then 2 times subsequently. Including a video of one of my visits (see link at end of post).

I had to take a gap year from the ND program last spring because of deteriorating condition. I am normally very thin (140ish lbs and 6'2" tall), but lost an additional 10 lbs unintentionally (same diet).

I just went to my doc this week, she was seriously concerned about me, esp. how thin I got (BMI). Current symptoms: low weight, cold sensitivity, eye pain in R eye, new vision changes (seeing ghost images at night). Also I did not mention to her that I've had brain fog, memories issues and been stuttering more often.

She ran a bunch of blood work including to check for STIs, thyroid, liver and kidney. Neg for any infections and all values in normal range except Alkaline Phosphatase which was 44 when the normal range is 46 - 116.

I went back to the live blood microscopy video and identified several microorganisms in my blood. I have a 4th year MD student friend who agreed there are things swimming around that should not be there.

I was wondering if anyone with experience at IDing microbes could watch the video and weigh in. What I noticed were:
-spirochetes and also a worm-like organisms which could also be a spirochete
-the "pearl necklace" phenomenon surrounding a cell
-definite babesia, both swimming around in the plasma and also intracellular.

Here are timestamps for what I observed:
@14 seconds, 2 cells with intracellular babesia
@35 seconds, another cell w/ ^
@57 seconds you can watch a babesia in the top right corner swim around in the plasma for several seconds and then drift to the right
@5:46, 6:05: babesia inside cell
@6:15, 6:19: unknown white object inside cells
@7:05-7:15 you can clearly see a corkscrew-shaped spirochete attached to a cell
@8:08,9:04: a long, thready "worm" wiggles its way across the screen (not sure if it's a parasitic worm or borrelia)

Video: Please just send me a message and I will reply with the link to the video in a Google Drive. I decided to edit the actual link out of this main post since there's no way to delete it in the future if I want to once someone replies.

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