The Five Types of Dreams:
1) First type of dream is just a kind of rubbish. And many thousands of psychoanalysts are just working on that rubbish. It is simply useless. It happens because in the whole day, working the whole day, you gather much rubbish. Just like the body gathers dust and you need a bath, you need a cleaning. In the same way the mind gathers dust. And there is no way how to give a bath to the mind, so the mind has an automatic mechanism to throw all dust, rubbish. The dream is nothing but the raising of the dust that mind is throwing – the first type of dream – and this is the biggest portion of dreams, almost ninety percent. Almost ninety percent dreams are simply dust being thrown; don’t pay much attention to them. And by and by, as your awareness will grow, you will be able to see what is dust.
2) There is a distinction between needs & desires. Desires are of the conscious mind. Needs are what is needed for one's being to become fulfilled. These needs are connected with the unconscious mind. The second type of dream is a communication from the unconscious. If one goes on cutting their needs, then the mind fulfills them in dream.
This is the second type of dream; very meaningful to understand it and meditate on it. Because the unconscious is trying to communicate, saying ”Don’t be a fool! You will suffer for it. And don’t starve your being. Don’t be suicidal, and don’t go on committing a slow suicide by killing your needs.” Remember: desires are of the conscious mind, need of the unconscious. And the distinction is very very meaningful, very significant to be understood.
Second type of dream has much to reveal to you. With the second type you start changing your consciousness, you start changing your behavior, you start changing your life pattern. Listen to your needs, whatsoever unconscious is saying. Always remember: unconscious is right, because it has the wisdom of the ages. Millions of lives you have existed. The conscious belongs to this life; it has been trained in the schools and the universities, and the family and this society in which you are born, coincidentally born. But the unconscious carries all the experiences of all your lives. It carries the experience when you were a rock, it carries the experience when you were a tree, it carries the experience when you were animals – it carries all, the whole past. Unconscious is tremendously wise and conscious is tremendously foolish – has to be so because conscious is just of this life, very small, with no experience; it is very childish. Unconscious is eternal wisdom. Listen to it.
3) The third type of dream is communication from the superconscious. The third type of dream is very rare, because we have lost all contact with the superconscious. But still it comes because the superconscious is yours. Maybe it has become a cloud and moved into the sky, evaporated, maybe the distance is very far, but it is anchored still in you.
The communication from the superconscious is very rare. When you become very, very alert, only then you will start feeling it. Otherwise, it will be lost in the dust that the mind throws in dreams, and the wish-fulfillment that the mind goes on dreaming about – things incomplete, suppressed. It will be lost. But when you become aware, it is just like a diamond shining – absolutely different from all the stones around.
4) Then there is a fourth type of dream which comes from the past lives. Not very rare – many times it comes, but everything is a mess inside you; you cannot make any distinctions. You are not there to make distinctions.
In the East we have worked very hard on this fourth type of dream. Because of this dream we stumbled upon the phenomenon of reincarnation. From this dream, you become by and by aware of your past lives. You move backwards, backwards in time. Then many things start changing in you, because if you can remember, even in a dream, who you were in your past life, many things will become meaningless, and many new things will become meaningful. The whole pattern will change, your gestalt will change.
If you can remember what you did and how it all came to nothing, if you can remember many lives, many times you have been doing the same again and again – you are like a stuck gramophone record, a vicious circle: again you start the same and you end the same – if you can remember a few of your lives you will be suddenly surprised that you have never done a single thing new. Again and again you accumulated wealth; again and again you tried to be powerful politically; again and again you became too much knowledgeable; again and again you fell in love, and again and again the same misery that love brings. When you see this repetition, how can you remain the same? Then this life suddenly is transfigured. You cannot remain in the same rut anymore.
That’s why in the East people again and again have been asking, for millennia, ”How to get out of this wheel of life and death?” It seems the same wheel. It seems to be the same story again and again a repetition.
5) And then there is a fifth type of dream, and the last type. The fourth type is going backwards into your past, the fifth type is going forwards into the future. Rare, very rare – it happens only sometimes; when you are very, very vulnerable, open, flexible, the past gives a shadow and the future gives a shadow, reflects in you. If you can become aware of your dreams, someday you will become aware of this possibility also: that future looks into you. Just suddenly a door opens and the future has a communication with you.
These are the five types of dreams. The modern psychology understands only the second type. Russian psychology understands only the first type. The three types, the other three types are almost unknown, but yoga understands them all.
Hindus call this world also maya, illusory, dreamlike, mind-stuff. What do they mean? Do they mean that it is unreal? No, it is not unreal. But when your mind gets mixed into it, you create an unreal world of your own. We don’t live in the same world; everybody lives in his own world. There are as many worlds as there are minds. When Hindus say that these worlds are maya, they mean the reality plus mind is maya. Reality, that which is, we don’t know. Reality plus mind is illusion, maya. Whether you dream with closed eyes or you dream with open eyes, it makes no difference. This is the first realization when you meditate on dreams.
The second realization will be that you are a witness. Dream is there, but you are not a part of it. You are not part of your mind, your are a transcendence. You look through the mind, but you are not the mind. You use the mind, but you are not the mind. The world is there, but you are not part of it, you are a witness to it. Then, everything changes. The distinction between the two grows.
Its very, very simple once you know the knack. Otherwise, it looks very difficult, almost impossible - how to awaken while dreaming? Looks impossible, but it is not. By and by, the distinction becomes greater. Then suddenly, one day, it becomes clear - this is the same as while waking. There is no difference of quality. The whole world has become illusory, only the witness is real.
This is what Patanjali means when he says...
And, that will make one a realized individual.
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