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One Year of Iodine...No Results (Takes Time or Ineffective?)
saocyan Views: 2,272
Published: 4 y

One Year of Iodine...No Results (Takes Time or Ineffective?)

In January of 2021, I started taking Iodine per the recommendation of a naturopath I hired to help with hypothyroid symptoms that had been getting worse for the past ten plus years.

- cold fingers
- low body temperature (94/96)
- joint pain
- insomnia (from joint pain)
- fatigue/depression
- male pattern balding
- low libido
- difficulty gaining weight
- ADD / brain fog / short-term memory issues

When I began eating 3 grams of kelp per day, I felt AMAZING—like years of brain fog had just lifted in a matter of days.

However, the insomnia and joint pain didn't improve, so we worked on diet (mostly vegan with some salmon, low-starch, etc).

That also did nothing.

So she had me add two drops of 5% Iodine daily. No effect.

At this point, I got "Covid." It was mild, just five days of a light fever, rashes, and some sores on my tongue. She claimed it was a detox, not Covid.

After that, nothing was happening, so I increased the Lugol's to 20 drops (50 mg of iodine) and added the co-factors my naturopath recommended...

- 12.5 mg Iodoral
- 50 mg Lugol's 5%
- 3 g kelp
- 200 mcg Soloray selenium
- 1 tablet Pure Synergy B-Complex
- 1 tablet Pure Synergy D3 + K2
- 720 mg Pure Synergy Vitamin C
- 800 mg KAL magnesium glycinate

I've been on this high dose of Iodine for a month, and nothing has happened.

My joint pain has continued to get gradually worse and I have some muscle cramping, but otherwise, there are no sigs of "detoxing" (headaches, rashes, etc).

There are so many conflicting studies and opinions on iodine out there that I don't know what to think.

- Am I doing something wrong?
- Am I not giving it enough time?
- Or is high-dose iodine just a bunch of BS?

One thing that seems sketchy is that all the Optimox research on iodine was published decades AFTER Dr. Abraham founded Optimox and started selling Iodoral. Conflict of interest?

Not to mention, this is a man who believes Noah's Arc was a literal event. I mean...seriously? How would you get 10 million species from all over the world onto a boat without them eating each other alive and then somehow get them off and repopulated? Ridiculous.

Then again, you have The Iodine Crisis, in which Lynne Farrow lays out some very reasonable historical evidence that we've been consuming far more than the RDA of 150 mcg of iodine for thousands of years and as recently as a few decades ago.

If anyone can provide some clarity on this, thank you in advance!


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