Hi, angelwings90. I too just finished reading Lynne Farrow's The Iodine Crisis. What an eye-opener--it is indeed an ESSENTIAL nutrient! I too wondered about LugoTab, because Iodoral (tablets) or Lugol's (liquid) is recommended by Ms. Farrow and Dr. David Brownstein (in his Iodine book, which I'm currently reading), but on his Center for Holistic Medicine site (it looks like an old website) he offers Lugo Tabs. When I got his book two years ago, it was bundled with a bottle of Iodoral (12.5mg). Off and on and inconsistently I've been taking various other (liquid) iodine, mainly nascent forms. Only now am I about to embark on the recommended Iodine protocol, after having scanned the research literature by Drs. Abraham, Flechas, and Brownstein.