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Blood Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Blood Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

  Views: 482
Published: 4 y


Tucker grew up with parents that paid the $55,000+ every year for school and onto news..............and he has watched the leftist/dems destroy all colleges and just about the only news person that condemns every school and college teacher in the world as "corrupt" creatures hate children and want to harm the earth and all living things on earth---aka, they are demons.

He has watched these teacher / unions "expose" how evil they all are in the past 2 years---------------the biblical monks wrote thousands of years ago that this is what happens at the end of every earth cycle----EVIL exposes them selves, because they believe they out number real people and have all the control. In the past 2 years, the entire world sees that all people in charge via colleges, are all evil---all of them, otherwise they do not get their licenses, do not get the easy gov $$$, unless they "obey".

They in fact, are all 100% organized world wide-----------IF any M.D. on earth, sees that any new chemical added by the airforce every day since 1949 starts to kill people "faster" than planned---that M.D., no matter in what little country will immediately notify the ones doing the killing that there is a problem.........back in 1992 when they added titanium dioxide to your air, your junk foods, your soaps and lotions----people died too quickly of thyroid diseases----so doctors all over earth told their leaders.....the leaders decided death should occur by age 40, so they chose to leave their poisons in your air an products and continue adding more.

These "organized" people have murdered millions of babies---they are trained to murder, they have a license to murder----Tucker every night hammers the fact that every teacher, every M.D. that refuses to be a human and accepts being a murder--are the ones destroying humanity world wide and the entire planet knows that CHINA uses a toxic / deadly drug to murder africans by the millions, south americans and monthly ships in another toxic drugs across the mexican border to kill all Americans-----

Tucker explains over and over and over that all humans are under attack, have been under attack and the teachers are evil creatures that only want $$$ and have never cared for the children--ever.

Since 1895, these college students that climbed to the top, exchanged their soul over to demons, so they could have $$ and be in gov----are the creatures that poison all city water, all air, all commercial foods...

THEY ARE THE ORGANIZED ONES that William Branham, via ELIJAH warned all the humans left on earth to STAY AWAY FROM, because they are "death". They do not help children, they kill children, they destroy children's futures.....they poison the babies to create kids that do not know if they are boys or girls--they are the evil creatures killing the future of all humans on earth...............according to the biblical monks---this happens every earth cycle to be expected and that "IF" you are a real human, you are walking through the valley of death---as a witness to all these evil creatures who will all be stoned to death when jesus their rock returns.

WHEN does jesus return? ASK NASA, nasa was created to avoid JESUS.

EVERYTHING nasa does has evil intent, it is always 100% the opposite of GOOD and always harms all humans and earth.

Nasa wants to explode yellowstone park by drilling a relief valve into the volcano---they even admit it may explode the super volcano and destroy all life on earth.

Nasa has offset the planet by building lakes to alter the rotation----that changes weather patterns...

Nasa has shoved our atmosphere deeper into space to create global warming and sprays earth daily with chemicals ti kill and heat the earth.

Nasa tracks Jesus since the day they were first organized.

JESUS has always been the stones that kill all life on earth-------astroids that will kill every human instantly----so fast, just the tiniest pebble can splatter a human body into mud.

Tucker every day---explains the teachers are the destroying the children and this planet...these teachers hand pick every evil person for politics, medical---all organized jobs that harm and kill.

Tucker shows daily how insane these leftist are---how possessed they are and crazy beyond crazy----as they become zombies via demon possession.

The left looks and speaks different--anyone can see that, once possessed, they speak/look alike, they only like each other....they often pretend to be good people, but they look and speak alike, so no one believes them---they no longer can hide behind their lies---so they just all accumulate and organize and they exist to murder unborn babies, kill children and rape and torture girls.....

Tucker believes something has to happen, because the planet can not exist if these evil people continue...............yet, he shows that the military are the evil ones that "enable" the death.......since 1895, the military leaders have organized the wars and chose who to kill--today the leftist own the military..................thus is it too late----it was too late 126 years ago when harvard chose to create world war 1 and create vaccines as the method of death......the pope's dopes are out of control a full 126 years.....and they handed the earth over to China and the organized chinese military now control space and much of the planet and now want their people to have lots of children-----------why? very simple, once the people take the drugs and are dead, then china owns earth.

Aliens are not going to permit this---they have been stopping evil people for some time now.

ALL HUMANS that speak different, look different-----come from different planets and were planted on earth like live stock----your owners will put a STOP to the evil humans...or at least you better hope so.

They will take their chosen ones home and earth once again will cleanse its self........erase all the dead humans from history as old countries sink below the oceans and new countries rise once again.

You had better hope ELIJAH steps out of his space ship and knows your name---if not, your a genuine zombi on the outside and doomed.

One of the top UFO researchers was asked what MOVIE best explains aliens on earth and she said with no doubt------THEY LIVE is the best movie that showed life on earth............HOT ROD the wrestler made his hollywood movie explaining aliens are just do not see them.

The 2 TOP alien researchers on earth were asked the other day their beliefs and they both said----"THEY" are here, we just can not see them---unless they want to be seen.

One young man in Russia, playing around, discovered how he could see Space Ships parked above the city he live in-----huge space ships...just setting in the skies above the cities. Exactly what hollywood explained in the movie---THEY LIVE

Only you do not have the "special" sunglasses, so you do not see them.............yet, every day new cameras and new electronics are being created and more and more "THINGS" are being captures on video and audio and top scientist are saying more and more that we are not the only ones are earth.

in fact---we may be what is for supper.



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