Been struggling with EC for about 6 years and have been on this forum for most of that time. Crazy I know but after 6 years with this problem I hadn’t thought to change my toothpaste because how could my toothpaste ( a product majority of the world use and is good for you) be causing a problem on the outside of my lips amirite? But yeah it’s been a few weeks since I switched to Oranurse - It’s an sls free unflavoured toothpaste and the change has been insane. Inflammation has gone all the way down, my saliva which was mucous has become normal, the cracks on the corner of my lips have reduced. Hindsight is a bitch but thankfully the worst of it is over. I know how debilitating this problem is so if this post helps a few of you guys. Great! There’s no magic product to make this issue go away you just have to find the cause and eliminate it.
Btw if you have any yellow crusting on your lips either you have an infection or your oral hygiene isn’t good enough. Fixing that is the first step to healing.