Re: Skin blood clot parasite
This looks like some type of cutaneous/visceral larva migrans. Probably multiple species in a complex infection. I've been battling something that once exhibited similar lesions ongoing now for nearly two years. Yours is looking much more severe than mine got at its worst but I did have one episode where after a too much aggressive treatment of combining praziquantel, fenbendazole and pyrantel pamoate caused such a toxic environment for whatever parasitic worms I have, that they began trying to escape my body by dissolving holes thru my skin to the outside world to die in the air as they stuck halfway out. At first I'd thought my main skin
parasite was some type of Mansonella Ozzardi or related species since I'd previously been bitten badly by swarms of mosquitoes and biting gnat flies months earlier. Then I contracted something ting like Fasciolopsis Buski intestinal flukes from eating contaminated food at an Asian restaurant in Los Angeles. I cleared the intestinal flukes out in a few months time, but Trematodes (flukes) do something very wicked to the human immune system. They secrete an enzyme which turns off your immune system's ability to not only detect and fight the flukes, but the enzyme is apparently very broad spectrum and it stops your immune system's ability to detect almost all other kinds of parasitic worms, leaving you highly susceptible to accumulation of all kinds of other
parasites that normally your body would kill off before they ever got a foothold. And parasites, their microscopic eggs and microscopic embryonated larval stages are EVERYWHERE around us, which fosters a situation where you can quickly develop a complex multispecies infectious disease state that gets worse and worse, and then must be dealt with in a structured, layered treatment regime.
I don't know where you're located, but here in the USA, almost all doctors don't have a clue how to diagnose or treat these, and pretend that
parasites don't exist and either refuse to provide treatment or provide totally wrong treatment. I was helped by one of the senior members of these forums named Matt3K (or is it MattK3.) who provided me a document of his battle of such a complex infection. He's helped many people here, you should probably try to contact him.
I used his research, plus basically had to become my own doctor by countless days, weeks, months of self research on the internet. I've tried nearly every anti
parasite drug in existence that I could get my hands on, to limited levels of effectiveness of each, or in combination. I learned that you have to treat with modest doses over a long time, because if you try to nuke the worms all at once, they react very badly, some die and the strong ones survive and start to become resistant. Then the toxins and immune reactions to a big, but not complete, die off are pure hell to endure. I'm currently only taking fluconazole to fight off the candida that came along with the worms, ivermectin (occasionally moxidectin), mebendazole, in on-off cycles, and have seemed to have beaten my infection down to a moderately low level, but not vanquished them entirely. I've recently added DEC and it seems to be maybe doing a job of slowly reducing the filarials remaining in my blood and skin. It's only been a week of taking the DEC so I can't say for sure if it's going to be fully successful or not. DEC can be very dangerous to take though, so I cannot recommend it without some level of learned medical supervision.
Here is a group of pics of my face during the worst reaction to that multi-drug experimental treatment that I mentioned earlier. The upper left pic is my forehead, with a worm sticking out over half a centimeter after it dissolved a hole through my skin trying to escape the burning chemical effects of the drugs I'd taken. Other pics showed my eye where one was trying to dissolve a hole thru my tear ducts to escape, so I pressed hard into my lower eyelid area to try to prevent it from dissolving a hole into my eyeball. Squashing it killed it, and then a big bacterial infection followed a few hours later.