Re: Immune System Support is More Than Washing Hands
I'm sorry I previously missed your post. Thanks.
The situation is so sad.
It is difficult to explain to people who only hear the Pharma infomercials from corporate media. Real information is available, although becoming more difficult to find due to subtle and not so subtle censorship.
For example
"Dr. Mercola explains that much of his success as a physician was due to his ability to treat arthritis, and a popular article describing his
Arthritis protocol was consistently high on the list of search items for “arthritis.” Do that search today, however, and you won’t find that article. The top result, even when you search “Mercola arthritis,” is a Croatian website that copied, without permission, Dr. Mercola’s
Arthritis article in its entirety. Dr. Mercola’s site ranks 9,002 in global internet engagement; the Croatian site ranks 9,401,920."
In her book, “Slanted: How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism,” Sharyl Attkisson addresses one of the most pressing issues of our time: media bias and the deterioration of objective journalism