Are Fibromyalgia and Trigeminal Neuralgia related?
Curious if Trigeminal Neuralgia and Fibromyalgia are related conditions, I asked the TN group if anyone had Fibro too....
Date: 1/14/2021 3:33:14 PM ( 4 y ) ... viewed 1290 times Are Fibromyalgia and Trigeminal Neuralgia related?
I posted this question on the Trigeminal Neuralgiia [Facebook group] - "Does anyone here have Fibromyalgia?"
Everyone there had Trigeminal Neuralgia of course.... and in less than one day 103 replies said "Yes, I have both"
I don't know why, but to see that long list of Yesses made me quite emotional I guess it is something to learn that I was not the only one [that is a very lonely feeling, and it means nobody will believe me ["oh right, you are so special because you are the ONLY one"] [etc].
And WHY, WHAT, and HOW are they related?
- they are both painful, and they are both "of unknown etiology", but the question here is "are they of similar etiology?"
Or in real words - are they CAUSED by the same thing?
Is there an infection of the large nerves, and when it is the Trigeminal nerve, we call it Trigeminal Neuralgia.?
Or is it a brain problem where pain is elicited "for no good reason" ["iseless pain" ]?
I believe that they are both neurological, meaning only that there is a problem "of the nerves", but as for the rest of it, I have to leave to the researchers
. My work here is done, I linked tthe two dreadful conditions, albeit not a clinical or scientificconnection, 103 people with both [and nobody said no, not both].
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