0:00 What is fibrocystic breast?
0:17 What causes fibrocystic breast disease?
0:41 Best Iodine foods
1:27 Iodine and
1:57 Need keto consulting?
In this video, we’re going to talk about fibrocystic breast. What is it, and what is the best remedy?
Fibrocystic breast is a form of hyperplasia, which is an excessive amount of fibrous tissue that develops in the breast. This could be a precursor to cancer.
This situation is actually an Iodine deficiency. Iodine protects the body from excessive amounts of estrogen—especially in the breast.
The best food sources of iodine are:
• Sea kelp
• Seaweed
• Saltwater fish
• Shellfish
• Egg yolk
In Japan, where they consume a lot of iodine-rich foods, they happen to have very low Breast Cancer mortality rates. Japan has a Breast Cancer mortality rate of 6.6/100,000, and the U.S. has a mortality rate of 27.7/100,000.
Estrogen-treated mice with an iodine deficiency developed cysts. By supplementing them with iodine, there was a 77.7% beneficial effect.