Re: Still a lot of breast cysts after supplementing for 15 months... feeling discouraged!!
I upped the dose 3 weeks ago to 100mg and have been really good about taking all the companion nutrients and Celtic salt. I am now experiencing detox symptoms for the last week. Mostly shortness of breath(sometimes severe) and feeling frustration/anger... eek along with not sleeping enough and some heart palpations. I am taking 1/2 teaspoon of salt daily in water. Should I take more? I will reference the protocol again, I forget. Anyone else experience these symptoms as detox and what helped? I remember when I had detox symptoms getting up to 50mg, a salt dose and a
coffee enema would clear it right up. Not so right now. Feeling anxious regularly.
I stopped taking
Iodine or any other supplement for a few weeks(maybe I should have started back lower?). I had surgery to have my breast implants removed along with the capsule. Been wanting to do this for years, but it was very expensive and a painful recovery... worth it though. How can the body truly heal with 2 large sources of toxicity sitting right under the breast tissue? Medical doctors told me the implants had nothing to do with my health problems, not buying that! Even my naturopathic doctors did not say anything about that possibly being a problem. I find that kind of odd. Anyway, I am so thankful to be through with that and on to feeling more complete about healing. Have a lot of detoxing to do, but feel confident that my body can heal well now.
Thank you for the support!! This forum is an invaluable source to so many and I have learned sooooooo much:)