As I mentioned ,Im good on Ozone also. I make and use Medical Ozone in all ways except syringe. I make and use Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , all Oxidation therapies and many many other healing modalities , herbs etc. So I still have a problem. Maybe it is Candida that's built a fort in my gut surrounded my biofilm and calcium , ughhhh. But whatever this is , it comes and stays sometimes for days or weeks , and leaves me completely useless. Today I feel great. There are some strange side effects I did not mention too. Like when this thing happens and lines up , my heart rate seems to speed up( well I notice it only when laying down ) , I get this slight rash on my inner thighs and then I just want to lay down can't accomplish anything , can't think clear or anything. Now don't take it that Im lazy as then when I feel ok , I can go ride 60 miles , run 7 ,and go work out at the gym all week long .It makes no sense. But the trigger is sexual ogasm and or food . If I abstain for 5 days or more then the food does not cause the problem any longer.