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Re: Restart the Economy - Not invermectin
tempuser3 Views: 1,420
Published: 5 y
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Re: Restart the Economy - Not invermectin

The ivermectin expert who formerly worked at Merk admitted in the podcast that she did not know what possible mechanism of action it could likely have against the virus, and didn't even know why it's been shown to keep certain species of filarial nemotodes from reinfecting long after it has been completely been excreted, metabolized, gone from the human body. But there was substantial discussion about the concentration levels of ivermectin of the in-vitro tests being (20K times?) the serum level achieved in the human body after a typical anthelminthic oral dose. They erroneously stated that there is no such thing as an IV injectible form of ivermectin, yes it's obscure, but does exist... unless the subcutaneous injectible form has been experimentally used, possibly with modification, as intravenously administered under extreme scrutiny and care.

Such a high serum level distributed all around the human body definitely sounds like a dangerously unwise thing to attempt, but of the two main paths the virus uses to get into a human body, one being swallowed into the stomach and spreading from the gastrointestinal system outwards, does raise the question if the timing of the virus entering the GI tract coincides with a typical, or even double oral dose, for a short time the concentration of ivermectin contained in the stomach and intestines will be much higher than the ultimate serum level will peak at once the ivermectin gets absorbed into the bloodstream and disperses. Ivermectin doesn't have an especially spectacular rate of absorption from the GI tract so I wonder if under that narrow window of opportunity it might afford even the smallest amount of limiting the virus's ability to replicate and if there is any point where if it does, is it enough to matter?


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