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Breathing as you sleep

Parasites and Liver Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanses

MH 108 Views: 437
Published: 5 y

Breathing as you sleep

There are so many people today sleeping with sleep machines, that one must wonder how on earth these people lived before such machines existed.

Poor Breathing day or night is a result of bad habits, especially bad diets that lead to people being obese. Most people with breathing issues either smoked them selves to death or ate them selves to death.....and both bad habits leads to bad lungs.

Choking to death is what most all people do on the last day of their life....choking is no joke. Actually, you can be somewhat healthy and choke to death on a piece of meat or some type of food that panicked you so badly, that you have a heart attack and died before you could choke to death..

Around the world today thousands choke in their sleep, so they use medical breathing machines......and never give a thought to the idea they have eaten or poisoned them selves to near death and the machines are just extending their misery.

THE SOLUTION---never work in a dirty factory/dirty air and never smoke tobacco or dope--humans that smoke, have a death wish and often drink black / hot coffee so the caffeine and hot fluid helps melt the mucus in their lungs and the caffeine keeps them from eating too much..

Asthma / dirty lungs, filled lungs, worms in their lungs, etc. is all a result of a lifetime of bad choices....while correct diet and correct habits such a thing will not happen.....that said, thousands suffer and end up using the ridiculous breathing machines. Just the idea of needing a machine to breath shows the results of so many bad choices in life.

Luckily Circulation is KING and the blood can do miracles and the basic principles apply regardless if your choking in your sleep or if your treating a broken bone or a burn-----once you understand herbs and herbal use as it pertains to circulation---it is pretty simple. The cool thing about applying herbs for sleeping, is the fact your applying them near the thyroid glands, so it is a double win-----I have been doing so for a full 20 years and have recently made it much better, much easier. At night time you want to keep it simple, but if your seeking to increase circulation to the thyroid, you can use the same herbs, or much much stronger if desired and the strong ones only during the day, because you not going to sleep well if your sending allot of blood top your neck while you are trying to sleep---you only want the herbs that aid in sleeping and keeping your lungs open. Actually just now I thought of even an additional ingredient for the night time herbs, by way of seeking to reduce the creation of mucus in your lungs after you go to sleep. Everything can always, always be made better...once you think something is as perfect as perfect can be made---an idea can float right to you and you then have the choice to go with it, or ignore it....those that learn to go-with-it will find that life gets so much easier if you accept and stop denying the process. You can either stop and hit your head against a wall all your life, or agree, accept, apply and then love through that wall to your next wall in life.

Soon on the website made for this forum, I will show what I have been doing for 20 years to make sleeping so much easier... It normally takes me about 30 seconds to go to sleep and I wake up soon after daylight...I trained my self many years ago to forget dreams. A person can be plagued by dreams if they allow it to happen to them. Your best off to close your eyes and next thing you know it is morning------a true sign of ill health are people that have sleep problems.

The thyroid glands are a huge subject of human health, especially after the year 1992 to date...people that ignore their thyroid will follow the sheep



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