F*** Dermatology
The 5 years I spent scheduling, consulting, and paying useless arrogant unsympathetic dermatologists for exfoliative cheilitis only for them to tell to apply vaseline and aquaphor.
I've been refered to several derms in network/out of network and they all look at me like an inconvenience because I don't have a 'life threatening skin disease'.
The chief sub specialist derm at my clinic practically admitted that most of his employees mainly prioritize and treat skin cancer and with all of his years of experience, he doesn't know the underlying cause of chronic drying peeling lips and why they produce no moisture of their own. That's just it: most derms only treat skin conditions topically but never try to find the underlying cause of them to alleviate them for the long term.
Someone @ me if you know or have any recommendations of a specialty outside of dermatology that can help with this. Apparently, my health plan doesn't have any oral pathologists to refer me to.