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Blood Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Blood Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

MH 108 Views: 725
Published: 6 y


There are thousands of books for the last 100 years explaining what you eat is killing you, because it is not food. It only takes 1 paragraph to explain the mid 1800's food study that proved humans are fruit eaters---but no human ever wants to read or agree with proof, they only want to continue with every sin they can get away with, even if it means their children prematurely dies as a result.

Herbs are foods from trees and plants, mostly trees, because trees, bushes and vines are the only true sources for real human food. THE PROPER WAY to use your herbs is this simple:

Consume your herbs BEFORE YOU EAT your garbage. Keep your herbs at your dinner table or where ever you have learned to eat--such as in your car or couch. "IF" your herbs are good, their organic minerals will be something your blood wants and will take and use and then minutes later when you stuff your stomach full of garbage, if your lucky it will all go down the toilet unused.

"IF" your blood gets what it wants, it will have zero need to sort through the garbage you eat afterwards.

Your blood needs tiny amount of alkaline salts (minerals) that it obtains from the air your breathe and from trees and plants....primarily sweet fruits.

Everything else--is really just garbage you were trained to believe was foods.

That garbage clogs your kidneys, your blood stream, your circulation as it feeds your will cough and spit and feel pains your entire life due to what you were trained to put in your mouth. You will not find much real food in any commercial gov controlled store--such as walmart and her hundreds of sister stores she owns...what real foods they have will be picked green, raised wrong and covered in chemicals...ONLY if you buy from the freezer section and only fresh picked and fast frozen fruits----will you obtain real foods from a commercial store.

Fresh frozen is ripened on the farm and processed same day------fresh picked and shipped fruits are garbage because they must over it in chemicals.

vegetables are never foods, nor are beans, rains.....the brain washed are trained to believe garbage is food.

BUT, if you supply your stomach with real plant/tree minerals BEFORE YOU EAT, your stomach hopefully will keep your foods going straight down to the toilet. Laxatives are not wise and herbs that strengthen the muscles of the intestines are very wise.....NOTHING you put in your stomach should stay in you for more than 15-30 minutes.....the crap that does stay in you longer than that, is just that---crap. the faster you get rid of it, the longer you may live. If anything stinks coming out of your skin, breath or toilet, that is just proof you are rotting inside....or your worms are farting, take your pick.

The solution is simple----give your blood a little of what it needs---BEFORE YOU EAT. An herbal formula of 50+ herbs would be ideal......something like freeze dried fruit juices, powdered herbs, tinctures, syrups, etc. and always---whole fruit juice from trees, bushes and vines that are sweet and yummy.....

IF you were a real human, with no cloths, no tools and just your hands---you would live near fruit trees and fight to the death to protect your trees.



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