Lugol's Iodine
Probably the largest mistake Dr. Hulda Clark ever did in her books-----of which she made so many bad mistakes; one that stands out is when she printed the Lugol's Iodine formula.
Lugol's Iodine was phased out of medicine for the simple fact by 1950 it was considered in the top 50 most poisonous products. Causing birth defects, sterility and trouble for male reproductive organ childhood development. Besides the fact the 2 chemical products used to make lugol's are controlled substances restricted to pharmacy use, but thanks to the internet, you can acquire most anything because people will say anything to get what they are looking for.
You take their iodine from vet sources and it is made with wood alcohol as a method to stop humans from using it.
You take any form of Lugol's Iodine and you can find it in your hair, fingernails and skin the rest of your life as your body struggles to eliminate the heavy metals.
FACT, if mother puts Lugol's Iodine on her skin or takes drops internally---her baby will be born with excessive Iodine; because the heavy metals will travel into the unborn baby and then baby must deal with the heavy metals, as well as issues with organ development and sterility.
When you make Lugol's Iodine, the fumes alone can kill you ----you never want to take a breath of those fumes---lugol's iodine kills cells on contact----it "burns".
There is a good reason they stopped selling Lugol's Iodine a long time ago.
The question has to be, why are so many people so eager to take poisons? Most everything sold as a chemical vitamin / supplement is a "poison"...yet you see so many eager to poison them selves. Most poisons do not kill fast---coffee a perfect example. Same with lead and the thousands of other chemical poisons in your water.
Data Labs in Chicago has tested humans in 50+ countries for a very long time.....a simple hair test or blood test, etc. can find poisons in your body dating back to world war 2 bombs.
Dr. Hulda Clark had some great education in her books and she had at least 50% bad and some very bad information in her books.
The 1 thing about Hulda, she lived what she wrote---good or bad, she "used" what she wrote about....and similar to Dr. Royal Rife---in her last couple of years she seemed very "opposite" of the truth.....when she started saying Mexican water was a treatment for cancer and Garlic caused cancer---I could not tolerate listening to or reading anything she had to say further---but I always respected her for using her own body the same as she suggested others should and no doubt those others will follow her same path..........
YOU CAN NOT consume poisons and expect a "positive" result. Sure, you may get a short term "fake" result; but the use of poisons never ever results in something good very long.
Lugol's iodine has 1 use---spray it on your garden soil, but if you grow vegetables, those vegetables have no ability to filter out the poisons and your vegetables will be more toxic than normal. If your garden has fruit trees and fruit bushes or vines in it, then they can filter out the poisons.
The world population lacks natural iodine, not man made heavy metal iodine.
The only reason people do lack iodine is not Nature's Fault--it is because people eat too much. If they correctly, Nature supplies enough Iodine.