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Seborrheic Dermatitis, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) and Lyme Disease

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Gek77 Views: 804
Published: 6 y

Seborrheic Dermatitis, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) and Lyme Disease

Hi everyone, I wanted to tell you how I am healing (I am now more than 90%) from my Seborrheic Dermatitis after 26 years, because it could help many of you.

My Seborrhoeic Dermatitis first appeared as a simple dry dandruff on the scalp and then suddenly appeared on the eyebrow arch and spread to other parts of the body (groin, nose, ears and forehead), causing me also hair loss, eyelashes and eyebrows.
Recently, thanks to some blood tests that I carried out to diagnose MCS (multiple chemical sensitivity) it turned out that I have an infection with Borrelia Burgdorferi (Lyme disease).

Apparently this infection caused me intestinal dysbiosis, allergies, environmental and food sensitivities and triggered an inflammatory process that also developed Seborrhoeic Dermatitis.

In essence I am healing by taking care with natural remedies against this infection and by carefully cleaning up food, household and body products, eliminating all chemical substances (additives, preservatives , etc.). Many do not know it but it is estimated that 5% (1 in 20!) Suffer from multiple chemical sensitivities and almost always without knowing it and the most common causes are infections (viruses, bacteria, parasites) and mercury poisoning.

For example, to improve dermatitis I also had to limit the amount of salicylic acid and oxalic acid ingested with food, eliminate chlorine and use only pure cotton clothes (100%, up to 98%), including the mattress and pillow . Beware that many dandruff shampoos contain salicylic acid!
I also had to eliminate the chlorine from the water I use to wash my hair: just dissolve 10 mg of vitamin C in 1 liter of water (for example in a basin).

In the eyebrow arch, I had significant benefits with a solution of salt and vitamin C (3 grams of salt and 1/10 teaspoon of vitamin C in 200 ml of water) to leave to act 5-10 min and then rinse. You should not overdo it with C-viaine because it could exacerbate the inflammation (it happened to me!).

Here I add short tips:
1) Keep a diary for at least 2-3 months, carefully writing down what you eat, the products you use, what you do and where;
2) For me the book "the cause of all diseases" by Hulda Clark was fundamental;
3) Perform Liver Cleansing once a month (see book). Try it at least 2-3 times, you will be surprised to see what comes out of your liver. I've done 35 for now !;
4) Products for the body free of toxic substances: saponin nuts (it is an excellent anti-dandruff shampoo, being very powerful against Malassezia) or for those who tolerate it Neem oil, self-produced marsiglia soap (it is simple and quick to do);
5) Use household products (cleaning, detergents, etc.) free of toxic substances: food alcohol diluted to 70 degrees, borax, soda (sodium carbonate), sodium bicarbonate, alcohol vinegar, wine vinegar;
6) Supplements: flaxseed oil (a tablespoon a day is enough, it is a powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-Candida and anti-staphylococcus aureus), Grapefruit-Seed-Extract (grapefruit seed extract), Saccaromyces Boulardii, magnesium citrate and citrate of calcium, supplement the vitamins and minerals of which we are lacking but without exaggeration (avoid iron supplementation: if we are deficient it could be due to the fact that there is an infection in progress and our body produces less to prevent it infection spreads;
7) Recommended tests: Vitamin D, reactive C protein, dysbiosis test (using urinary sample), plasma zinc, vitamin B6 / B12;
8) If there is an excessive production of free radicals (for those who have MCS) the best supplement is alpha-lipoic acid, also integrating vitamin C (stay under 1 gram a day because otherwise it favors the production of acid oxalic)

From my experience I emphasize that the book by Hulda Clark was fundamental.
What she says is true: "modern medicine has given so many names to various diseases but in the end the causes are almost always the same: infections and toxic substances". This is exactly what made me say: "Ok, I want to believe you, let's try to see if you're right about me". As it happens, from an examination of the hair, I also had very high mercury values. Do you know which sources of mercury are unsuspected ?: LCD screens (except LED ones) and neon lamps !.

From his book it seems to me that he has understood that what our body does not tolerate (because we are full of toxins? Many bacteria and fungi produce toxins or our liver cannot do its job well) also expels it through the skin. This generates inflammation and where there is inflammation it becomes a hospitable place for the development of pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

P.S. I have read that if there is an infection of certain bacteria, we must avoid the integration of vitamin D because it favors its spread. When in doubt it is better to expose oneself to the sun (without exaggerating, however, because it causes an excessive production of free radicals and therefore potentially of inflammation).

Good healing to all
God be blessed!


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