Through the eyes of a 15 year old
a local boy that pretty much takes care of himself---his mom is far away and his dad is either working or sleeping, etc...... and for years has been admiring and wanting to know why our boys are good at sports and weight lifting, etc.
At age 15, he really has no experience with health or self health and knows nothing or what one may say is a blank slate.......or perhaps lets say at the ideal age to "learn".
This summer he had a bad case of poison Ivy and his dad took him to urgent care and was told he had RING WORM------they had no clue what ring worm was--- and the boy did not have ring worm, he had poison ivy----but the hospitals today are "literally" that ignorant and there is no place "safe" for people to go for professional medical aid anymore...those that came into America and purchased all the hospitals and control all the colleges fired all the good doctors from every hospital and left in charge ignorant nurses and failed want to be doctors that literally are "lost" and let people die for the most simple of reasons---such as the oxygen machines fail to work... "IF" anything is serious, these small city hospitals load you up and fly or drive you to a big city hospital where you are treated as nothing but a "number" and that number had better tell the hospital that the gov is going to pay your tab. Then you have the issue that these giant city hospitals are sick and tired of treating illegal foreigners with old country diseases, no $$$ and endless gov paper work so the hospital can suck up tax $$$---in fact the human has turned into "nothing" but a "business" of $$$$ for the professionals that all today openly say you need to just kill your babies so you can work for the gov and when your too old---past age 40, return to the hospital so they can help you with your suicide--because there are too many of you to begin with and that is the reason we have global warming--which is also another one of the professional's lies.
As a 15 boy that raises himself, he has never ever read anything about human health.....nothing. Because his parents due their own thing and left him behind, he looks at his school and his surroundings and sees that our boys are the strongest, smart and he and other boys in the past have asked our boys "HOW" you doing it? Why are you stronger? etc.
So this 15 year old boy wanted to give his own $$$ to try this and that, because that is what our boys told him they do.......I told him that is ridiculous and if you want to learn---I will give you "The Book" and if you will read---then we will see and in the mean time, you can try this and that for free......
So I assumed this boy would not read the book----but it ends up, he does not like TV, because his dad only has a $30 local tv antenna on top of the house and the reception sucks and the shows really suck, so he never became addicted to TV and he did not get a cell phone until the past year and not addicted to his phone totally yet........
So not only is he reading the book properly---starting with page 1 and reading each page in order-----he even takes the huge book to school and reads in his spare time.....
Almost daily he tells me what he has been learning and that he is "amazed", because 100% of the book is stuff he had never heard of..................he has sad several times this is the best book ever written.
THE NORMAL HUMAN BEING is so STARVED when it comes to general human health--that they do not even know it, because they were too dumbed down by their school teachers and then once on their own they are too busy being divorced and raked over the coals by the courts for child support and bankruptcy etc. to ever care about their own health.
Today's School Children are all "starving" for an education---because the school teachers are playing on their cell phones and using pre-made electronic education to the point the kids have no clue why they are even in school........most can not write beyond their own name and rely on their phones to do everything.......
You literally can text your student just about any time of the day at school and receive a response back-----I say "how" can this be and they say, their teachers are looking down at their phones in class and do not care...
THE NEWS has been suggesting that all the colleges need shut down-------and 100% of all education done electronically and scientist are given billions and billions of $$$$ currently to PERFECT artificial intelligence with THE GOAL that in the future you as a parent will submit your child to the scientist that will then take control of the human brain and "program" that child's brain and eliminate 100% of all schools and 100% of all they perfect 100% slavery.
These elite college types for over 125 years have been race selectors and with the belief all the races they do not like and all the races they do like that cheat or steal---should all be sterilized and phased when they perfect A / I to the point they can program your child-----the odds are they will program your child as nothing but their slave.....and then their children to be your child's task master.
The Hollywood Producers / Writers are famous for predicting 50 - 100 years into the future and some of the most famous producers of all times got their start with movies that predicted life on earth after the gov owns everyone.......and then with the Movie such as Logan's Run you need to die by age 40 and then use your dead body as Soylent Green as food for those slaves that are's democrats openly tell you that there are too many of you and not enough of them and that you should just kill your babies so you can just work for them....they use their corruption to force fake education to the point the socialist brain dead children in o0ther countries are programmed to be as ignorant as the 16 year old Swedish girl that has been destroyed by her parents--and used by the leftist parties that want total government control over all they the democrats/leftist openly have brain washed children and now using them like robots.....the bad people have always abused the children--always and the most elite took over world governments so they can get away with raping, murdering and even eating the children.
In this "stage" of the times of TRUMP-----evil is exposing its self and the biblical monks of thousands of years ago predicted this, because it happens in the times of Noah every earth cycle....a time of Sodom and Gomorrah when the girls and boys are sold and raped and the babies eaten..a time of NIMROD when all humans can communicate with every race....
Much of the outside world sees this Time of Trump and the return of Cyrus--but in North America, the teachers/news media keeps the kids dumbed down and want all the kids starting by age 5 to be on pot. The state of California has turned into the cess pool of North America where possessed / tormented humans line the city streets and die in front of the city mayors as they elite step over the dead bodies.
Some wonder if California is not the gathering place for an "end times" event, such as L.A. splitting down the middle and sliding deep into the Pacific Ocean as seen in a vision by the late William Branham.....a place where the Navy now admits there is a huge UFO area off the south end of California just off shore--under the ocean and civilians restricted from the must wonder why and how such people are put in charge of California Cities.
as long as they can get your kids addicted to their cell phones and taking their drugs---the leftist democrats will own your children as their slaves or worse....
KIDS that for various reasons TUNED - OUT their public school teachers and not been brain damaged---THEY ARE STARVING FOR ANYTHING "REAL"......