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Re: Salt loading plus vit c?

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Vulcanel Views: 923
Published: 6 y
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Re: Salt loading plus vit c?

I agree, if you want the body to absorb elemental iodine, don't take it with any reducing agents, like vitamin C. My experience is if I want to absorb elemental Iod., I drink 16 drops in 8 ounces of water the first thing in the morning. ohh, it feels soo goood on an empty stomach. Very few things go thru the stomach wall, but Iodine is one of them. Iodide, on the other hand, is absorbed by a different mechanism.

Indeed Iodine is important but my opinion is a person can attain better health and quicker, by understanding fats and oils and controlling which ones they ingest. To make it a short statement, dietary sources of "bad" oils are plentiful and when the body eats them, the cells in the organs will reject such fats. Its why there's "fatty liver", the person ate too much of the wrong fats, the cells just dump it. It can happen at any organ, depending on the person's genetics / metabolism profile, and their unique dietary habits. I'd rate hydrogenated cottonseed oil in the top 3 of the worst. Ever notice in some chicken you buy and notice a hugeazz lump of fat deposits tht don't quite look right ? Normal chickens dont have that, its the gats/oils/lipids in what those chickens are being fed at those corporation chickens. You can always tell, its easy to spot. Same with cancer too, there's always fat deposits that cells rejected in the vicinity of cancers except in some types of C like lukemia or non-Hodgkins of course. Around those fat deposits is caused local inflammation, which becomes of course chronic inflammation at those foci. We also need the right fats to maintain proper differential voltage potential between venous and arterial blood between the left and right ventricles of the heart. Proper triglycerides in the lymph are needed since they get into the venous supply at every beat. We find overlap also with Iodine metabolism, people eating the wrong fats and oils can have a helluva time vs. those who've been eating only normal lipids in their diet.

How important are fats you eat ? Consider the 6-lactone in linked article that stops cancers in the breast, yes it requires iodine, but it also requires the presence of the correct normal lipids that normal people eat in a normal world. Note, this 6-iodo lactone is ineffective against thyroid cancer lines

The point is, the lipids you are eating are probably more of an issue then the order or combination of iodine you take with other co-supplements. The more I've read the past century, the more I conclude that the single most important health matter for most individuals in the US , is Lipid Control. Lets call it "LC". LC is probably THE most important thing with regards to most ppl's health, is my humble assessment. The answer is easy, just don't eat them. haha, but the restaurants and clubs all use those cheap oils, and the birthday cakes are loaded too. Too bad the US Public Health Service didn't have the resources to compete with the medico-gangsters early last century, and the gangsters won is all. But the Jungle law still rules, which is if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.



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