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External herbs

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External herbs

I have been experimenting with external herbs for at least 10 years---as sprays, salves and lotions.

These types of herbs can be made to the furthest extremes as a person's brain learns the herbs are friendly and acceptable. The theory is that small parasites NEVER adapt to these herbs and are easily killed.

the skin sucks these herbs up as foods---the skin has no choice but to absorb and eliminate what it has contact with.

these formulas use allot of essential oils and single pressed oils and as tincture based sprays no pressed oils can be used.

I have never to date had 1 herb that the skin had an issue with---never ever felt anything negative. This would be the opposite of all commercial skin care products that use solvents and chemicals like carbomber that can do brain damage over time.

EVERYTHING you put on your skin or can smell has to be organic / natural so the blood stream knows how to deal with it.

Essential Oils once diluted are just herbs, but in their purest form as an essential oil, they can kill parasites by way of contact.

As a beginner a person may only be able to deal with a 3% solution--------3% essential oils blended with 97% carrier solution. Some websites even suggest putting 1 drop essential oil in an ounce of carrier oil. THIS is all based on FEAR.

FEAR by the brain makes the skin create an acid that will burn your skin as a method to repel what is on it-----cayenne pepper is a typical example. CONSUME CAYENNE PEPPERS and over a 10+ year period of time-----as your brain looses fear---the pepper taste less and less hot until eventually you can eat it and basically taste no hot.

SO EVERY HUMAN will be at a different level of FEAR.

20 years ago 10% oregano oil would make by skin cherry red......and 1/10 drop of essential oil of cayenne would feel like a bee sting that would not stop--------today, 20 years later I could take a bottle of pure oregano or pure cayenne essential oil and pure into by hands with zero ill effect----because I have LOST MY FEAR as my brain learned they are just herbs/foods and they never were hot----the hot was always my brain/cells creating the acid that burned.

THIS IS WHY when herbal doctors from 50+ years ago made formulas with cayenne----they could not taste the hot, because they were use to it, but their patients would feel the pain of the heat basically all beginners have to start at the level their brain understands.

ACTUALLY FEAR is what kills people, some people can suffer greatly just by fear alone and never doing anything---THEY PANIC.

YET, because they are use to pop, coffee, dope or any number of endless toxic commercial foods, that stuff does not bother them---because they have no fear of it.

WORMS are a REAL DEAL in human / mammal skin.

WORMS hide near the surface of the skin as a way to hide from your blood. WORMS/PARASITES love your hair and can get in your eyes and every part of your entire body.

Taking parasite herbs internally feeds and empowers your blood stream to hunt down and kill worms. Worms will hide in the pancreas, ducts, liver, lymph glands and clear fluids to avoid the blood.

THE BEST WAY to get to the worms in the lymph glands is the skin---what you put on your skin will be sucked up by the lymph glands AND MEDICAL SAYS what touches your skin can be found in your urine and blood just moments later---SO HERBS THROUGH THE SKIN IS A GOOD DEAL.

The choices are endless, just like internal herbs.

I have been exploring them all for some time....

salves have their places for broken bones, hurt skin, burns, etc.

sprays have their place

oils/creams have their place

THEN you need mild for babies

stronger for toddlers

stronger for 12 year olds


Soldier types

the elderly

WORMS are a 24/7 365 problem from your conception to the day you die and the day you do die---the worms feast on your waste and return you to the dirt.

IF you do not look age 22 your first few hundred years of age------then you have ignored the subject of parasites.

IT IS A BATTLE that if you do nothing, you will loose your hair, your skin health, your bone health, your muscles and succumb to so many different reasons you will die.



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