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Restoring the hair
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Restoring the hair

Restoring the hair generally means applying herbs direct to the scalp. While internally the health of the entire body determines your total health and your hair, face, skin always tells the world your total health.

Your eyes and hearing as well is an example of your total health---your body was created/designed to be 100% perfect. Naturally no human is perfect and a result of the sins of all their past ancestors. Sins meaning everything man has done to the environment and choices made against nature.

I have experimented for years with the hair. Certainly circulation is KING and as humans use herbs, they loose their fears and can use stronger and stronger/more herbs as they age.

FEARS rule humans for the bad or good....fears are what really end up killing the average human...what ever they think is what their brain will make happen in their life. The more they fear the less they enjoy life as a general rule. Naturally those that are fearless (suicidal) eventually break allot of bones/die. Balance is key to success.

With hair, it would seem that parasites are at the heart of every issue-----microscopic parasites attach to and suck the life out of hair. Worms live inside each root and bathe and eat the oils and nutrients. Humans that avoid the sun is the universal cause for all ill health---humans are created to be nude their entire life or at the minimum while the sun is out---their skin needs the sun to make the true nutrients of life. Those that are dying almost always stay out of the sun and covered up and when their skin turns cold---they know death is coming fast as the blood leaves the extremities and collects around the heart till they suffocate.

LOOSE SCALP often leads to thick hair
TIGHT SCALP often leads to baldness
The idea is that tight scalp chokes the hair to death. Most bald people have very tight scalps, if their scalp is loose---they would wear a hat--because that would not look good.

There are supplements like bioton that makes all your hair grow along with your finger nails---not necessarily stronger better hair and nails---it just makes it all grow. Better starts with the organic minerals from all the herbs of a natural diet---but most of all---dealing with the parasites.

itch is a universal word for parasites. In general, you never see the parasites...either too small or they are not easily coming out.

Those that use herbs to drive worms out of the skin--what i would call pin worms-----will forever change their life and probably unable to control their fears of worms. Those people can not stop thinking about those worms and everyday want more and more of them out of their skin---or internally will do liver flushes and keep flushing worms out.

GETTING THEM OUT IS A GOOD THING, but a better thing is killing them all------------no, you will never kill them all, because you are subjected to parasites every minute of your lifetime---but you can make your body somewhat parasite proof.

the more you take herbs internally---the places parasites will hide out is the pancreas, ducts, clear fluids, brain, skin and hair. EVERYWHERE there is less or no blood is where worms will thrive.

BOOKS really do not exist about using herbs for parasites and especially for all of your skin and hair...the idea of having thousands/millions of parasites is not appealing to humans and they do not want to allow their friends and neighbors to see them having books or herbs for treatment of worms---

So people that want to live will just live better as they have less worms and have to do their own thing--because other people will make fun and look down at people that live better than they do.

THERE is a REASON for everything and that especially is truth for life and death.

Those that ignore parasites will be consumed by them over time.

I needed glasses about age third grade. I got my first pair of glasses about 7th grade...I have worn glasses since 7th grade and in general liked them as a means of protecting the eyes more than anything else.

My eyes sight was never bad----mildly near sighted with what the eye doctors call a astigmatism. Some say that is inherited, others say no--in general most doctors know nothing more than they read or were trained to believe---so they would not really know why and how things happened more than a 50% guess.

IN THE FACTORY we were forced to take a hearing test every year. The state hearing doctors always told everyone that hearing is a permanent loss. My first year I lost 30+% hearing in 1 ear and it remained that way until the factory was closed 30 years i got into herbs, that hearing returned to normal. It never made sense to the hearing doctors why I lost the hearing in the first place--because if the noise does it, it should do it to both ears...and in the factory many old people could barely hear that drove old diesel tractors often lost their hearings---musicians and all loud occupations often lead to hearing loss. The state doctors always said hearing aids are worthless and just make it worse. Race cars drivers would come in and tell the factory workers they can barely hear at all, no matter how m,any millions of $$$ they are worth, they could not buy their hearing back.

Ancient Chinese doctors created what they called BEATING of the HEAVENLY DRUMS (your ears) with the theory you did not use your ears enough and they needed exercised to restore the hearing.

TRUE DOCTORS will tell you that bad noise comes through your forehead and that all ear protection is 100% worthless. EXTREMELY RARE true doctors will tell you that humans use to communicate long distances by way of their foreheads and that is how radar was invented. Humans could communicate with out speaking words. The bad ear doctors will tell you that you came from the ocean and that flap on your ear use to close to keep ocean water out---stupid they are and became stupid in their colleges.

Dr. Christopher learned from allot of the best doctors/herbalist/nature people in North America and by 1920-1950 he had learned allot---allot by just looking and listening to people over time......often by what people would call mistake.

Dr. Christopher believed anyone could grow hair and many could grow a third set of teeth. Dr. Christopher made about 6 hours of video and quite a bit of audio-----he explained he had a box of dentures that people had given him after they grew a third set of teeth....Dr. John may have been confused about a couple of things when it came to understanding humans health---but I never seen 1 example where you could say he lied and surely he had a box of dentures---BUT he never showed them on video or did his son ever bring them out as a prop for their master herbals schooling...

TODAY that box of dentures would be a prop that would amaze all humans, because today, no one seems to be able to grow a third set of the past 70 years the world war has used so many chemicals/poisons that most likely no human today has 1/2 the health of people before 1950.

HERBS applied to the hair, have no choice but to be absorbed by the head and blood stream try to remove them from the body-----herbs applied externally are going to be absorbed by the lymph glands....and eventually 1 day either be expelled out the skin or down and out the elimination organs to the toilet.

Herbs taken internally can find their way into the arteries, but the greatest doctors of them all---swear, nothing wrong is ever going to enter a vein.....the returning blood to the heart must be clean. These great doctors believed the blood entering a vein must first turn into a gas and that no solid material can pass through the venous valve. They believe what we call varicose veins are actually clogged valves full of food and inorganic waste----and that these valves are constantly replacing them selves and rerouting......until so many times that you can physically see the lumped/dead valves.......something today people have laser doctors evaporate them out of their legs.........while the good doctors say your entire body inside will look the same---loaded with clumped up dead valves.....until 1 day you die from the loss of circulation.

Your hair, all of your hair is effected by inorganic waste metals-----and this is why all humans on earth today have chemicals left over from world war 1/2 in their hair and your hair health ids an example of your total health. NATURALLY your hair was never designed to expel inorganic metals/rock from your body, especially bomb waste.

Your teeth and bones will be made with this same bomb waste---so naturally no one today has the health to grow a third set of teeth.

City water literally destroys the bones and teeth---it is amazing anyone lives to age 40 in any city. the UN/WHO for 20+ years have demanded all humans in America be forced to drink city water and that all private water wells be capped by the gov...any slave with even a 1/2 a brain left should understand they are being used and killed by those in control of the water/food/air. Those that live in a house with city water are is a sorry state of affairs. What old doctors would call child abuse.

EVERY HUMAN is at a different state of health (death)
No 2 will have the same results.

Many have concluded loss of hair is a worm/heavy metal issue. This applies to the total health as well.

Dr. Christopher learned much and learned to just go with it and often did not waste time wondering why and how---he just used what worked and ignored what did not work. I believe his hair methods covered the problems of tight scalp and parasites and heavy metals/constipation and he 100% insisted on diet correction or believed the herbs would not work as written---he had himself covered. ONLY those that wanted to live---would. He often experienced people who did not want to live---they literally wanted to die and after healed, they would choose to die instead of live.

Herbs applied to the hair can lead to restored hearing and better eye sight and the same could be said to herbs taken internally.

I experimenting with the Christopher methods for the hair i learned to stop wearing glasses and have not worn glasses for over a month for the first time in a very long time...I will keep a pair in the car, because my drivers license says I must have them or the cops that fine you.

I never really needed a pair to read with and my eyes were never really that bad---but bad enough that if you want to see to drive safely I should have always had them for near nearsightedness. The last time I got glasses I asked the doctor about eyes getting better, because every 4-5 years when my glasses was trashed or lost and I needed a new pair--my eye sight was better than last time. This last time when i asked him---he said OH YES, near sighted people can have better eye sight as they get older. So according to him herbs and your health have zero to do with it and getting better eye sight as you get older is just natural-------something I had never heard of or seen before...if anything the gimmick with glasses is that they force your eyes to become weaker every year..

The eye doctors are "organized" just like all the millions of criminal professionals are today---they lobby the state/gov and made it their law that if you need glasses, you are forced to pay them to have an eye examine every 2 years and if you go past 2 years, they will not sale you glasses. unless you submit and in their examines they insist on using a machine that is harmful to your eyes or a chemical that harms your eyes and very few will allow you to finish their examine with out their toxic/harmful method....of which has ZERO TO DO with the actual eye examine of seeing. You will fine evil in every part of college educated human health---they work as an organization creating sickness and disease to feed their created systems of premature death, which pleases their colleges/gov

YOUR BLOOD must do all the work------------only your blood can create new cells that make up 'you"

BUT in the areas where your blood does not commonly flow---are areas of parasites that will torment you.

HERBS normally can not kill anything---because they are just foods that feed your blood stream and your blood does all the killing----------use these same herbs on your skin and hair and they are not going to kill worms...they can not---they are dead.

BUT, herb's oils are a different story. You take herbs and steam distill the essential oils out of the herbs-----such as obtaining 1 ounce of oils from 50# of herbs------these very fine (thin) oils can kill parasites on contact---because the very thin oils will penetrate the parasites and most of these oils are very concentrate in herb chemicals that parasites/pest can not tolerate.

For over 20+ years I have had allot of herbs in some buildings-----what you discover is that in those buildings, you never see a mouse, never have a bug issue---they stay away, they do not like the smell and the smell is what you would call the essential oils of those herbs.

Applying these essential oils to the skin/hair in a diluted acceptable manner is death to the worms or will drive them inward or out of the body...sleeping in bedroom where a machine v=blends these same herbs with water and keeps them in the air as you sleep---perhaps is the greatest use of herbs for human longevity.

Herbs are or should be organic plant and the human body can deal with organic plant---meaning the essential oils should not be toxic to humans.

Steam distilled essential oils of herbs are NOT NATURAL, not something the human body was created to deal with---so they must be diluted and used slowly over time so the body learns and adapts to their removal through the elimination organs.

HEALTHY HUMANS surely could grow new teeth, new hair and look young at age 200, medical has a record of such people where the men never died a natural death and they looked like their children---Dr. Howard Hay, M.D. that discovered how to cure all diseases with orange juice and diet education wrote his first book long ago, before 99+% of the people alive today and he wrote that at the time of his first print, the english army had studied people for a full 11 years where the men never die a natural death ever...In recent times the late Dr. Morton Walker and his wife went to study these people and took hair samples and blood samples and concluded they never die because they are LEAD FREE (metal free) people.............................what do all cities have in common today? LEAD in their water, along with 600+ added chemicals to insure they do not over populate.

ALL GREAT doctors of all types concluded people die because of wrong diet and habits and the correction is returning to nature's diet and habits.

THE SUN = life
Those that avoid the sun= seek death

I suggest as much as 90% of the suicidal people on the planet have been trained to not know they are suicidal. Their school/public education has them so confused, they literally know very little and are incapable of being their own physicians and trained to had their lives over to strangers for processing.

Your mirror can tell you the truths no modern day doctor today will.

Humans have a hard time with the truth that stairs back at them....humans deep inside know all the bad they have ever done---is recorded and never forgotten for a reason.. and that is not good news for them. THEY KNEW THEY DID BAD, but still did is what makes them human.

Drugs are a creation out of dope, from the college people of the early 60's,the same people that have consumed politics and are destroying the world; because they never could handle reality. They are what was left over from world war 1 and 2 and the Korean/Vietnam chemical wars.

LIFE on earth as a human is brutal----most humans have no clue what wars are started and the KOREAN WAR is older than they are...older than I am and surely the most expensive war in human history.......and yet, odds are, few to no college students today have any idea how the Korean War started-------what the Koreans did to the 50 American soldiers that were sent to Korea to help....what was done to them before their dead bodies were shipped back.

Life on earth is war---ever human was born on a battlefield of warring humans and the greatest war of them all---is inside your body by thousands, if not millions of parasites and those that made sure you are being killed with heavy metals in your water/foods and air by human design.

MANY THINGS and most humans world wide---want you dead. Public/gov forced education is a false education designed to keep you ignorant of your situation and your death.

If you want to live---you choose to stop dying.

You start killing the creatures inside and on you and decide to not drink toxic liquids and toxic foods and if you are very smart---you clean up the air inside your bedroom and make your bedroom your safe place on earth.

Charcoal can do wonders to clean the germ and chemical warfare that is added to the air and water you consume.
Herbs are the past to being as parasite free as possible.

Many humans such as myself---live way too far NORTH----BUT, I have never ever seen a toxic spider nor a toxic snake in my lifetime where I live...and where humans were created to thrive---those 2 things thrive, because NATURE is all about balance.....where humans thrive also all the things that kill humans thrive----SO LUCKILY WE TODAY live in a time that if you make $$$$, you can use that $$$$ to have the proper human foods shipped to you or large stores ship in these foods and herbs from around the earth can be shipped to you.....

YOU MUST WORK to obtain the $$$ it takes to obtain the stuff other people can provide.

USE $$$$ and do not fall into the trap that $$$ lures you into.

$$$$$ s a joke, a bad religion-------people that will hand you a new car in exchange for a stack of paper $$$$ should make you smile and laugh as you walk away---------if you do not have such an attitude, then $$$ is controlling you.

Correct priorities in life leads to having a life------NO FAMILY = you screwed up and your ancestors screwed up.
The military/gov does not want you to have family....families are smart and strong---something bad people hate and the reason they created wars to exterminate all the good people of the planet...

SET YOUR SELF FREE, walk away, create your family.....stay away from the cities, do not put your hands out and choose to LIVE FREE. Free of worms, free of poisons, free of premature sickness.

YOUR EYES and ears tell you who is sick and no one should be sick---they should choose correction and restoration.

TODAY they want you to care less when your friends die or are killed---that is the opposite of life and family....the gov is not your family---your family is your brothers and sisters and all your kin.

After 100 years of created war--families have been exterminated and thousands are homeless and being processed by the city morgues....the more alone you are, the more advanced you understand the war has became.

The more advanced the war, the more worms are your problem. Worms thrive on death.



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