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summer fun

Blood Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

MH 108 Views: 250
Published: 6 y

summer fun

Out of the endless machines and things and places a person can enjoy today-----------I still put jet skis at the top of the list.

They literally have turbo/blown v-6 engine in jet skis today---that is too crazy---most will do at least 40 MPH and that is fun enough-----many can do 70 and 70 is cool on calm water---------the super sized super charged models are not needed for fun-----at 70-100+ MPH your riding a weapon more than a fun machine.

Kids and adults alike can have a load of fun with a jet ski. They are not so fun in the ocean unless the waves are calm---fighting the salt in your eyes not worth it---but at times the ocean is calm as glass..........if a person was way out in the ocean in the evening when it turns glass flat----wow, a super speed jet ski could be a blast....

brand new they start at about $4,800 and can cost $15,000+ for the big ones........allot of fun for all ages

In My State you literally have to be 40 years old or they force you to take a boating license on line-------BUT you can join the military and go kill people at age 18------that is how stupid it gets---think about it...a soldier gets out and has driven/flown just about every deadly machine on earth and he returns home and the state will not permit him or her to drive a jet ski------------when it comes to politics, very little ever makes sense.



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