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The plague on/in the skin

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Protozoa, Amoeba, Pin Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

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The plague on/in the skin

Worms and Parasites seem to be an endless subject when it comes to naming them---literally the scientist have a list longer than you can or ever would want to be forced to count and they add to their list daily---because the more they look, the more they find. No doubt worms, bugs, bacteria, viruses are the major reason all humans die----the more toxic the environment/world the faster human health fails and the parasites always waiting to consume and return the organic matter back to the soil.

Royal Rife discovered and understood the parasites can not be poisoned---the doctors poison them with drugs and they just mutate as smaller fungus grows from eating the poisoned worms.


Where the blood is less-----endless worms/parasites thrive.

In your clear fluids
on your skin
in your skin
on/in your hair

There is where essential oils of herbs are worth their weight in gold.Not only are they great aid internally for parasites, supplying the blood stream with the nutrients----their greatest value may be the external use and surely breathing in the aroma of herbs as you sleep is the KING of your LONGEVITY LIST

all old people will soon enough understand the plague----------

less hair= more parasites
poor skin=more food for the worms
brittle bone===lymes worms love bone food along with just eating your entire body

eyes, ears, you name it----they can find and name your worms.

children on the farm, with cats, puppies, calves, ponies, etc., etc......and 10x worse when the children are barefoot and using an out house with no running water, etc..........the dirtier the situation, the more the plague--always been that simple.

These children will make more lice, more skin issues as babies and be plagues through their lifetime with this and that issue.

De-worming internally is a lifetime daily thing---FOR LIFE. Why? Because you live at the bottom of an ocean of air, down with the bottom feeders, where the mold and fungus lives and everything you eat is covered in bacteria, etc......every breath you take has a problem, every bite and swallow has a parasite problem..........

YOUR BLOOD fights the parasites 24/7 till you die............

In your skin/scalp/hair external worms/parasites live on you. They can enter your skin, hide inside your hair and have been with you since birth---perhaps in the womb.

WHY is worms a problem for pregnancy? Everyone is scared that the forming baby has worms and if mother's blood stream kills those worms---the unknown is fearful and people are just scared of that subject-----while they should have cleansed before pregnancy and stayed on all the safe dewormer herbs like olive leaf, oregano oil, etc., etc.,etc. throughout their lifetime.

They know as many as 60+ mites can be in/on your hair all over your body. Pin worms a plague and unknown bacteria and viruses a 24 hour every day battle for the skin. YOUR SKIN IS YOUR FORTRESS, when your skin/hair fails, you know the worms are many.

Essential oils can kill mold and fungus in entire buildings---proof the parasites can be killed by their air---aka CONTACT

Herbs in fact, should have always been the largest subject on earth and never modern medicine drugs.

BABIES quickly react to skin parasites---mothers can see the problems shortly after birth with rashes on almost any part of the body. Their soft tender skin must be easy targets for the countless worms/mites/parasites seeking a free lunch.

INTERNAL is what all the old medical/herb books are about---------today we know that if you ignore your skin, then the worms must be controlling you--otherwise you would seek to destroy them and save for skin.

TRUE Steam Distilled Essential Oils of Plants are ORGANIC---nothing more than the fats of each plant. The professionals that correctly produce these oils also make the perfect medicines for the True Doctors---these medicines are specific chemicals found in each plant---these people understand the plants and their chemicals and they can refine a plant to the point they can capture the plant chemical and concentrate a final product to be 98% PURE. This PURE HERB CHEMICAL is 100% medical use only---used in countries by REAL DOCTORS that never use synthetics or drugs.

NEXT on their list are the essential oils and then concentrated powders. Last will be whole herb powders/teas.

For the skin and for breathing---the essential oils of the herbs are the key to life. PARASITES do not get along with these herbs. In FACT, mice, rats and many bugs can not tolerate buildings that have allot of herbs. IN FACT, mold will not grow in those buildings.

PROOF the aroma in the air--enters into the parasites/mold and kills them or makes it impossible for their survival.

I have proved for many years now that herbs in the air that you sleep in---does miracles. I call it AIR FRESHEN

Air FRESHEN and all the internal herbs greatly aid in the death and removal of the way of helping the blood.

WE KNOW worms love the pancreas and liver because of ducts with no blood and it is like a HOTEL BREAKFAST for these worms---then naturally the intestines is slop for the piggy worms to thrive in and leaky gut certain...

Society today is plagues with so much hair loss; they have made it cool to shave your head.
Women and many men do not like hairy arms/legs etc..........and I assume cutting your hair does zero problems, but laser or killing/pulling out your hair surely causes endless problems----our HAIR is important.

SOME people look like they could live in the woods because they are covered with large hair top to bottom---something society hates-----but if you lived wild----the person with the most hair no doubt would be the survivor.

So some people may say-----I DO NOT WANT BETTER SKIN and HEALTH if it means I may have better hair on my body----those types will never try, so ignore their fears.

EVERYONE understands bald spots, thin hair, hair with no color, hair that falls out---all signs you got a true problem....that problem can be internal, but the one thing you know for sure----worms are eating you alive externally just as much internally.

For years I have made external herbs for the skin---but people have little interest in such things. The more I understand the parasites---I can easily see the last frontier of de-worming is the brain and the skin/ well as the pancreas for those that ignore that.

DOGS are the biggest rising business in North America---which means skin mites/worms are becoming a wider spread problem.....not just a farm kid issue.

TOUCH the animals and you can walk away with 60+ different mites that were on their hair----YOU WILL NOT SEE YOUR MITES/WORMS...........BUT, there is a way to drive your pin worms up and out of your skin---they are large enough to see with your eyes..........does little good to just drive them up and out, you need to kill them and keep them killed.

TOUCH another human----yup, you take it all home with you. Sleep in the same room and their poisons exhaled from their body enters into your body............just sleep/live in the same house with a person that has 1 mercury fillings and that mercury can then be found in your blood stream..

YOU MAY FEEL HELPLESS---well, you were born onto a battle-zone where everything wants you dead, including bad you either adapt and grow stronger or just succumb.

External herbs are every bit as important as internal herbs and having pets makes it all so much worse.

CAN YOU HELP YOUR PET? YES, but first help your self.

I have concluded over 20 years that essential oils sold in all of North America / Canada and probably much of the world are synthetics and or acid/chemical produced. FIRST STEP is finding correct made essential oils---they are the base ingredients. I have used them for years---they actually do work and much of the world is on the band wagon, only they are being suckered by faked essential oils and toxic products---for 30 years it has been this 1 theory---you buy it in a store as a commercial product---it will be trash/fake/toxic or just worthless.

If you want a safe product, you have to make it your self.

The goal this summer is to make the amish children a simple skin cream and make it affordable, because it would make life better---actually better for all humans.

YES, I plan on making a shampoo as well, but this will be the least effective, but also be of value and yes, puppies could benefit from that----but who washes their dogs today? Dogs/pets need herbs in their water dish their entire lifetime.




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