What have you been eating? Trouble with bowels before? If it persists I'd do a lax tea one evening and a SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) just to get things moving and then REALLY work to eat whole grains, vegies, nuts, fruits etc.. I find if I skip the whole(as in not rolled,smashed, chopped) grain cereal after the Master-Cleanse I tend to get backed up.Maybe have grains/brown rice with every meal for a while would help. Keep a food diary for a few days so you can really see what you are eating and then if you are still having problems I would check out the bowel cleansing forum. A good Bowel Cleanse and some Liver Flushes are a great follow up to the MC. I just finished an OxypowderBowel Cleanse and it works well. P&B totally plugged me up as I think I'm the wrong body type for that cleanse. Good luck!