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Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

MH 108 Views: 276
Published: 6 y

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The one people on earth that may be able to make the de-wormer for the skin; based on the old asian video found on the website made for this forum----say they have been using it on animals and not a human yet...

I personally would not even thought about using it on animals, because hairy animals may or may not have what we call pin worms.......while humans live longer and we know have pin worm problems.

They say it works on about 1/2 the animals they have tried it on.

WHY these huge pharmaceutical companies are such sissies is beyond long as it is just herbs---who cares and the fact your just rubbing on the skin. I volunteered to be their first human guinea pig.

My only fear is that once they perfect it---the big company/gov controllers will look at it and then DESTROY IT....that is what the big boys always do in the medical world---if something really truly works GREAT---they destroy it out of fear people will live too long..

The good news is that they are willing to even tell me they are doing it....they have the largest lab people and world wide abilities in natural medicines on this planet...YEARS AGO, they ventured into every area of earth, collected the history of the plants and trees and did their best to bring those plants and trees back to their country, because they only use natural medicines....not synthetic poison drugs/vitamins.

"IF" such an external use herbal product was ever created and made its way to North America---it would change society....once humans seen worms crawl up and out of their children's skin---THEY WOULD FREAK OUT....

The Dr. Hulda Clark Books became wildly successful because she dared tell the public they had worms.....prior to Clark, the normal person never ever even thought about parasites----because medical ignores that subject.

It is this simple---it only takes 1 amish family to see worms crawl out the skin and within 48 hours, thousands coast to coast would know....

For animals? Due to the hair, I do not see the need; they should be raised on herbs from little up if they are to be human pets.



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