Humans Lives, percentage of deception / truth
It is an interesting and complicated question to ask you all geniuses. How much of the life you are living is based on truth, and how much of the life you are living is based on deception.
By "living", I mean, how much of your activity do you undertake based on true principles, and how much based on deception ?
Example, if you buy a car, there is maybe truth that you believe you need a car to get to work or whatever. When buying the car, the sales robot says "it will get X miles per liter". You get the picture, there is usually some deception in sales, even a small amount of puffery. The sales people are robots, told by their boss, corporation layer, with freedom of corporation to stretch truth or lie.
Same for maybe a relationship person, they can truly really be truthful, but some not.
Same for politicians, everybody knows they mostly lie but there is always some fraction of truth.
Same if you go to a store and buy a food, the label claims to say what it is, but is not always true.
Same for chemical products, weed killers, the company says "it is safe" but others have studies showing cancer, etc.
Many more examples, I tried to illustrate from different fields. another would be if you have a gold chain to sell, and the pawn shop says "its only worth X" sheckles, but in reality it is worth more, otherwise they could not be in business.
Or, this electrical blood gizmo will cure your X problem. Or this pill or that pill will rid you of worms.
Or, my doctor told me , so it must be true.
If I buy a 8 mm screw to fit a 8mm hole, it is a very true purchase, even if I overpay for the screw, it still fits true.
If petrol is $100 per liter and I agree to buy it at that price, then it is true it is the value to me, otherwise I would not pay that amount.
If a person tells others a lie about you, and you prove it is a lie, then the truth is that what they said was not true. But the lie they told still stands as being a lie, forever.
So, if it were possible to add it all up, all your life interactions, everything you experience, the ultimate question I have for you is"
"How much of your life is spent in pursuit of things, based on a belief in which you were deceived" ?
"How much of your life is spent in pursuit of things, based on a belief which is True" ?
There is some fraction of Deceived / Truth.
My guess is, for most people in USA, the fraction is about 90 / 10.
Of course I do not know the answer, just thought I'd share a question.
Keep in mind, Deception is part of Nature, the moth which mimics a butterfly to avoid being eaten by a bird. The insect that mimics to look like a stick, so as to be able to hide, etc.
Do you think, maybe, that the predominant way of Nature, is to be Deceptive to survive, and those who claim to be "virtuous" by being allegedly "truthful", are the real chumps of this world ???
Would those who follow Nature and deceive others, be motivated in teaching others who are their prey, to lead truthful lives, so they can be easily deceived and preyed upon ?
It seems, there is a balance of Truth / Deception fraction in people's lives. It was said "the truth will set you free" , but even those who are free, are deceived.
Haha, just questions, I wonder what you'll reply......