proper human diet
1. Humans are like trees and all other living life forms----we are made of air and sun energy.
2. if trees were made of dirt, they would fall over. Like trees, we are made from the energy of the sun and we too---ad to the soil of earth.
3. Sun Burst send endless tons of minerals into space. The minerals that reach earth, are trapped in the upper atmosphere where fungus eats the minerals into a life-organic mineral. These minerals flow downward into our air and supply the nutrients that supplies the ability for cells to multiply. Via spirit, these cells organize into creation and become what we know as life.
4. For humans, our cells constantly replace them selves---in fact, we are no better off than our last breath of air.
Air was clean and pure pre eelectric, pre oil/ just the past 200 years, the entire planet has became toxic by humans.
5. Human dead cells become waste. Parasites aid in the removal of these dead cells. When the earth cycle is young, mammals live on air alone and the lamb and the lion have no worries----NO MEAT EATERS. If anything, the truest meat eaters are the reptiles.
6. For humans, their only foods beyond air is fruits of the trees. These foods are all CLEANSERS and we are no more made of tree fruits than we are made of grains, vegetables or meats.
7. Meat eating develops when the sun's radiation accumulates and becomes a problem within the earth cycle as the sun circles the sun we can see and that sun cycles another sun and it is believes that sun cycles yet another sun.
As life/humans decay from damaging radiation, humans start eating other humans and flesh in an effort to balance their own radiation.In the end, people eat their babies and become salt aholics......what some doctors refer to as ghouls or blood sucking humans.
The minerals/sugars within tree/vine fruits mimics the minerals from the sun and actually are minerals from the sun transformed by the trees. THESE sun/earth minerals mist not accumulate within the organs---when they do, it leads to premature death.
Grains are insect / mice foods
Vegetables are man made plants that have an over abundance of parasites due to the fact Nature wants them dead. they are not human foods, they are worm foods.
Meats are foods for creation that have acids that allows them to consume flesh. The reptiles may take months to dissolve the animal they ate. Chickens and buzzards are so acidic that they can dissolve bones. Dogs and meat eating mammals can not chew flesh, they instead rip and swallow like all predators do.....meat eating mammals have short intestines and poop out the meat quickly.
Humans have teeth proper fopr eating fruits
Humans have proper saliva for fruits only
Humans have proper stomach for fruits only
Humans have proper intestines for fruits only
WHY? Because humans were never designed to eat foods. The stomach is designed to be empty at all times and is a blood cleansing organ, same as all the organs are. EVERYTHING to do with the human body is designed to keep the BLOOD CLEAN.......
Old medical explains the truth about human health.
Corrupt evil medical lies about everything........
If you want honest education from medical, never read books past 1950, by 1950 all of medical/dental went corrupt.
Can you eat meat? Sure, you can eat it every day, same as you can eat most everything EVERY DAY.
It makes no difference what you eat, you will adapt to it, or die.
no matter what you eat, it will never change the facts. Medical by 1850 proved the facts and all humans on earth can prove the truth by using human grade pH paper.
We are pH 7.3....if we drop down to pH 7, we can go into diabetic shock/heart attack/death.
The humans stomach is born with acid cells to break down milk, these dissolve away by age 18 months and should go away.................the humans stomach should be alkaline.
REAL FRUITS of the tree and vine keep the stomach alkaline---all other non foods force the stomach to make acids. These acids eat your small intestines, destroys your calcium.
pH paper is all the proof anyone needs to prove proper diet......
No one opinions make any difference, people can lie all they want, that never changes Nature. We can eat the wrong foods and poison our selves and still live 100 years old. The quality of life is what matters.
Demon free people will see the humans are tormented by endless bad things natural and man made.
Luckily many great doctors existed pre tv, pre radio and wrote honest books.
Once people organized and became greedy, everything is subject to being corrupt.
Each person needs to self-experiment and discover the truths on their own, because few people today know the truth about anything. The only true source is Nature and the human diet is the easiest of all subjects...
I know of no perfect human, but there are those that live on air alone and those that live on a few fruits---everyone that does extended fruit or water fasting quickly learns humans do not need to eat to live. Eating is a learned habit more than all else.
Humans have proven they can live with no food, no water and some have proved they can hold their breath for a very very long time........there have been people that have proven the facts. The facts are this simple: those that master breathing of air and sun---have in fact, lowered their weight by 10+ pounds or raised their weight by 10+ pounds..........HOW? Because we are made of air/minerals and hydrogen energy.......people's weight is as much a mental problem as a physical problem.
People are mislead by false/evil education. Those in charge never ever allow truth---schools/colleges brain wash students to fit a program, like any other livestock creature on a farm. The masters education determines what the animal does during the lifetime. In good times humans have freedoms, in bad times after many organize and turn away from God, they will kill the babies, eat children, kill their neighbors.....we are in those times now...
History proves it never gets better. The older the earth cycle, the more confused and evil people become. Today use CNN as 1 of many examples: they see/believe the opposite of the truth on many subjects that Fox News sees as the truth. Those that can not see the truth anymore, never will see the truth, they are too far gone. In the end, no one will see the truth ever again. In the end, they eat each other.
People just 100 years ago were superior to all people alive today. 200 years ago kids were superior to all the adults of 100 years ago-------we today can not even imagine how superior people of just 2,000 years ago were.
Each generation is less than the previous generation health wise.
Medical proved that no human needs to weigh more than 165#
With modern foods, modern educations, modern living----very few men are healthy and weigh less or near 165#
People are designed to work. The less people work, the less they live.
Nature RULES
You USE IT, or you will LOOSE IT
If you live where it becomes colder than 60 degrees at night----your living in the wrong climate / habitat.
We can adapt, adapt to anything, but never changes Nature.
what 1 person believes is meaningless, all that matters is the facts and for facts, look at nature. Dr. John R. Christopher stated that an honest human would answer like a Gorilla. A Gorilla does not know how to lie.
Would / Could a Gorilla live in the wrong climate? NO
Would a Gorilla want to? NO
Could a Gorilla live in the wrong climate? NO
ONLY HUMANS have the choice to DEFY GOD
Only humans have the ability to LIE
Human health is so simple, that children easily understand it---but once in public schools and colleges, it is almost impossible for them to care.
The greatest M.D. wrote that children should be kept out of schools till age 10 and then they would not accept lies.
These great doctors as well wrote that the cook of each house are the ones filling the graves with dead children.