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Re: Vision issues...

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Re: Vision issues...

I first got glasses when I was in 5th grade, I'm 41 now. My eyes are better, not worse. Get yourself some pinhole glasses, wear them occasionally, if you wear them,enough, your eye muscles will be sore the next day. I lost mine, this is a good reminder to get a new pair.

Blueberries (look up any fruit/herb with anthocyanins) serviceberries (they grow wild in Iowa where I'm at and taste like blueberries), aronia berries and elderberries maybe - they are a really dark purple, bilberries, blue corn, red watermelon + tomatoes + some grapefruit have lutein, resveratrol chemical is in mulberries + grapes + Japanese knotweed (usually taken as pills - DO NOT EVER plant Japanese knotweed it's impossible to get rid of!!). There's also spirulina and chlorella algea, but that can cost up to $100 a pound of you get bulk powder, plus as I said a few days ago on another post, I wouldn't trust any seaweed after the Japanese meltdown a few years ago. Dandelion flower and leaves have a lot of vitamin A, a while back I found a website saying there's something like six hundred types of vitamin A, and carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin. Usually anything blue, purple, indigo, violet, yellow, orange, colored plant foods, the color goes in the rods or cones in your eyes to protect against damaging UV sunlight rays, and also the color goes into your skin to protect it as well. Marigold flower is really good for the eyes, chrysanthemum flower as well.

Ginko biloba leaves increase circulation to the eyes, ears, nose, and brain - personal experience. Here's what I did -- combine ginger, hot cayenne pepper, ginko biloba leaves, add other herbs if you want like goji berry or wolf berry - two types of "superfood" tiny tomatoes with four types of vitamin A, crush with a morter and pestil, add 100 proof vodka, pour it into a wide bottle, let it sit between a month to three months, then filter out the herbs until it's not cloudy. Take a few drops in the mouth, mouth only, NOT INTO THE EYES, you can go blind if you put straight vodka in your eyes. MH, correct me if I'm wrong there.

I know we all here, are against animal foods, but a organic grass fed butter, and clarified butter (all the water is very slowly boiled out and it's stable at room temperature) called ghee, has vitamin A also. I haven't worn sunscreen in almost twenty years, after learning about nutrition and herbs, mostly from MH, Dr. Christopher, Dr, Richard Schultze, etc.

Years ago, I read of a story that went something like this. The Canadian government wanted to take a bunch of Esimko kids and put them inside a traditional school for many hours a day. But they first tested all of the kids eyes, and all the kid's eyes were fine, no near or short sided kids. After maybe a year (?) they tested the kid's eyes again, and about thirty percent had vision problems. Being outside, looking very far away, being in the sun, the sun keeps the eyes strong if done correctly. Imagine, I talked to somebody a couple days ago about cellphones and they know a kindergarten teacher, and kindergarten kids now have cell phones. So basically almost everyone will now potentially have vision problems. Plus, I've heard that up to ninety percent of some people's lives can be spent indoors.

The basic eye exercises that I know are:

Very slowly, look up, look down, look left, look right. Repeat a few times and increase the amount of repetitions every few days after your eyes recover from being sore.

Lay down outside in the grass on a sunny day, close your eyes and keep them closed the whole time, cover both eyes with the palms of your hands for ten seconds, then move your hands, repeat over and over. It will exercise the muscles in your pupil over and over, and if you do it enough, your eyes will hurt the next day, so very small increments each time.

Go outside and look as far away as possible, then look at something very close, repeat many times.

Also get yourself a pair of blue light blocking sunglasses and wear them,at home when you are on your smart phone or computer screen. The blue light can hurt your eyes, and messes with the serotonin production, it tricks your brain,into thinking it's daytime, even if it's in,the middle of the night. I got some polarized amber sunglasses and wear them when I'm on my phone at home, and I don't have a tv. I used this chart in the store to make sure I was getting the right sunglasses.

But I never wear sunglasses outside.

Good luck. I had fun writing this post, I love talking about the eyes, and brain nutrition. l wish people learned this kind of stuff in high school. Imagine a herbalist and nurtionalist at every school.


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