I was suffering from facial Seborrheic Dermatitis for about a year, it was severe and really hindered how i lived my life due to the pure itchiness and discomfort it came with. I found my cure about 4 months ago and my face has been completely normal since. I do apply the cream every night (i dont leave it on overnight as i find it doeesnt work as well) so i'd apply it about 9pm and leave it on for a few hours and then wash it off. The cream is called nystatin and is only availible in certain countries, however it can be shipped (i get it shipped to the UK). I am posting this now as i remember how helpless i felt endlessly looking for solutions that would not work, ive realised if i was to not share this information with others in need it would be pure selfish of me. There has been a lot of success with this cream but i dont see it mentioned on curezone often.
Here is the link to understand all about the cream and there are many dozens of people who have found success in the comments below it. If i am able to help at least one person overcome this vile condition, it'll be worth it. Awareness of this amazing cream needs to be raised as it has practically saved my life.It may not work for everyone but hey ts worth a try.