Hello, Your note popped up in the middle of an old post, but it DID pop up. I used Prazi for fish from on-line auction site. Powder. Tastes HORRID. GI side effects.
Suggestion: newer med works great (Sharkman suggestion). Oxibendazole horse paste (Anthelcide), Amazon or Vet store 30 mg/kg - Usual horse dose 10mg/kg (your weight/2.2=kg kg x 30 = your dose) Dial it on syringe at 3x your weight. No side effects or problems and no real taste. Squirt it out onto a spoon and fill up remainder of spoon with something yummy. Take this no more than 1x/wk. I took it for an entire month (4 doses) and will now take 1 dose 1-2x/month. For flatworms (flukes in toilet).