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Re: Starting day 3

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

Joel00 Views: 1,148
Published: 20 y
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Re: Starting day 3

I'm on day 3 as well and I'm glad to see others here on my same pace. Its encouraging to read others thoughts and experiences.

I really almost broke down and quit yesterday evening. I had such an intense headache - I don't drink coffee but I do smoke (not since 2 days before the MC) so I figure its the nicotine that was giving me the headache.

Day 3 hasn't been bad - I know I should be drinking more lemonade and water than I am so I'm really concentrating on changing that.

My SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) didn't produce much results this morning so I don't know what's up with that but the tea woke me up 2 times last night. Is there a time frame when I'll see solid elimination again?

Anyways, good luck to everyone else on day 3 - Let's keep it up! I hope day 4 is easier - I've got hunger pains but not really the urge to eat.


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