Re: jerimiah 10:4 clearly warns against christmas.
Do you have a chapter and verse for that one, that it's an ungodly trait for a human being to change their mind? God doesn't ever change His mind, but we do, and should, as we learn more truth! Right, or no?
And really, that's a pet name? I think it's ungodly to lie. Or are you really fond of me Trapper? Go ahead, don't lie! :)
But I actually didn't change me mind. When I told you I didn't care if you called me that, I meant I personally didn't care for myself. Sorry if you thought when I said that, that I was speaking for the others, because I wasn't. And you don't like that anyway, when someone speaks for others, right? :) Or did you just change your mind! lol
"i will acquiesce like a little kitten."
Good! It's what you should do!