Re: Light Display
My dentist lady I see every 2 years or so, said about 80% of ppl have gum disease. Its little microbes that live below the gum line, and feed on blood. They're anaerobic cell wall-deficient and are easy to kill using the Bass method. Dr Bass lived to be over 100 and never lost a tooth, he developed a special brush and method that is today, ADA-approved. Each of the anaerobes puts a different toxin into the blood stream, which target selectively different organs in the body, and basically therefore constitutes multiple perpetual focal infections. I have one lady I help, in about 2 weeks she was a different person, energetic and no more halitosis, arm that hurt for years suddenly stopped hurting, lost weight without trying, etc. :) I haven't woke up with a bad taste in my mouth for about 4 years. I actually only brush my teeth good about once a week, but give them a quick once-over a couple times a day. I never use floss. Just look at horses or other animals, dogs, that never brush their teeth, yet their teeth remain white and strong till they die generally. Hmmmm. I rarely eat sugar, and don't like sodas. Strep mutatans the cavity microbe needs sugar, avoid it and voila, no cavities ever.
First video is the wonderful Dr. Kennedy describing the anaerobes, second is description of Bass technique. Well worth the time to memorize and incorporate this , much of humans' disease finds its roots in these little bugs. I feeeel soooo
goooood !!