the idea of "starvation" is not what we see in pictures. "starvation" is just a term used in medicine that refers to the state of the body when it has no more glucose stores and has to start making glucose from other sources like protein. in actuality, you are in a "fasted state" at night when you are not eating. prolonging the fasted state is called starvation.
there were a few studies done on mice and chimpanzees that showed they had a longer life span on a "restricted diet" versus the mice and chimps who had a diet similar to our present day one. (however, we're not sure how this applies to humans and whether "restricted diet" means intermittent fasting or continual restriction) though i'm willing to guess that cleansing, fasting, restriction will do us good in the long run anyway.
sorry for all this's my first day too and i have so much free time since i don't have to make dinner!