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Bald Spots

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Bald Spots

Bald spots can appear at most any age, some kids completely bald by age 19, but normal is more around age 50+

The extremely common top/back circle bald spots old medical use to believe was a sign of heart disease/failure. WHY? Perhaps because they believed hair was was loss of circulation, so poor heart = poor circulation....hard to tell and people have theories for everything, especially medical that they can not solve.

loss of hair color normally comes before loss of hair, but not always. Most want to stick with the wives tale that no matter what you do, you will have your mother's father's hair health and that is probably all B/S and what those that are trained to cut hair are brain washed to believe and spread.What would be more factual is that we all tend to have worse health than our immediate ancestors had, due to world wars that have never stopped polluting the earth in endless ways to the point every human is loaded with heavy metals/poisons and every breath of air polluted by design because those that continue the wars, believe there are too many people.

So the old docs that believed hair loss, especially in circles was due to a poor heart. Or better stated, the human fills up with heavy metals / inorganic rock minerals along with hard fat/waste that smothers the extremely fine arteries and circulation slows and that starves everything, especially the skin and eyes fail, hearing fails, circulation fails and people see grey/white hair and balding spots---------BUT many people adapt and still live long lives with white hair and or no just depends how strong that heart truly is and can keep pumping, regardless all the areas of the body that does not receive proper blood flow.

As long as the trunk gets the blood, the extremities suffer and decay---those that are diabetic worry about keeping their legs---because when the blood does not come back up the legs----the legs slowly rot.

This is why for many many many years, I have always agreed with those that believed circulation is KING and you start by removing the rock from your drinks, your foods and clean up your daily can not be any healthier than your rock/metal load permits.

YET, the average person seems to not care about their total health--that is too much work; they prefer 1 thing at a time and often they skip over all the basics or the foundation of their health and just concentrate on what they see or feel.

Basically they like direct treatment and not total treatment.

With the scalp / hair, EVERYTHING you apply direct---has no choice but to travel through your brain on its way down and out------------ so hair coloring, hair products, hair anything--better be eatable, because that is what your doing---YOU ARE IN FACT EATING IT as it is absorbed through your brain. This is why I 20+ years ago determined there was not much of anything being made / sold for health that was safe, unless it was "organic" plant/tree based and preserved naturally.

This is why the commercial interest pretty much corrupted the "organic" word and methods and enabled all the commercial/toxic companies to put the word ORGANIC on their is so bad, that if 1 thing was organic, they use the word organic for the entire product.......all just scams and lies making the world organic today just another worthless word.

Hair often thins and this makes people believe that "fat" in the scalp chokes off the hair till it turns very thin and eventually dies and falls out-----there is probably truth to that theory. Girls with loose scalps often have super thick hair, while people with tight scalps, can not keep hair----the typical guys with the shaved shiny scalps are the example-------they would not shave and shine their scalp if it was loose.....but because it is tight, they love it and shine it and think it has to be cool.

Supplements that make the hair grow fast---really do work, but all the body hair does not know that only the scalp hair is suppose to grow, so all the hair on your body will grow fast as well...

The FAT and the TIGHT creates the loss of circulation; or at least sounds like the correct path.


So water on your scalp, same as water inside your arteries, does not dissolve fat/plague/cholesterol out of your body. Dr. John R. Christopher understood this long ago, before many people today were born and his hair restoration method included direct plant/tree oils on the scalp along with drinking herbal teas for internal health.

naturally people do not like the idea of putting oils on their hair and over night...they might drink a cup of tea or take a few spoonfuls of some herbal remedy for their hair, but the oil thing is a bit much....once on their scalp, they have to watch what they lay on, such as their couch or bed, etc. I suppose they could wear a shower cap and really put the oils to their hair if they chose.....but people get embarrassed so easily and tend to be lazy and now that much of the world has grey/white balding hair, fewer can care less, after all, everyone else has the same problems---so who cares.

For those that do care---the foundation is simple: do not apply anything to your skin/body/hair that you can not eat. It must be food like.

Dr. Christopher learned people can live by consuming their food and air through their skin if they had to.....something you never read in even old medical. the skin is a 2 way avenue---air goes in and out, as does food. What you touch can show up in your blood minutes later.

SUM it ALL UP, you literally can treat your entire body through your scalp as far as herbs go. Same as you can internally and externally. When dealing with your scalp---your dealing with your brain and the protective layers surrounding your skull. These layers can/will react to potent herbs/oils. the blood/skin has all sorts of protecting systems and everyone is different as to how they will react..........

hair can easily come back / grow with nothing but simple herbal sprays that once sprayed, you barely know you did it minutes later because they have no thick oils in them.......for many people, that is all they need...herbs that stimulate circulation and supply missing nutrients. For others that have had failing hair health for 20+ years, they may be long past that point. Dr. Christopher stated that he never seen his method fail---but keep in mind, if you read his book, you know why; he believed in the organic diet and large doses of herbs and you do it until it works. In simple terms---you benefit based on the degree of effort you put forth.

The hair tea formula is easily achieved and all good herbs will always be good for all of the body. Such a formula is easily obtained from places like Actually, anything herbal can be obtained from that source.

the direct application to the scalp can come in 2 types---a spray and sprays come in as many different degrees as strength that a human can tolerate by the degree of essential oils in the sprays that can be extremely potent for circulation....what people all know as hot spices---pepper/cayenne like.....the stuff that makes your skin red and makes you cough. Actually using such herbs that will make your scalp red is great, but soon your brain learns these spicy herbs are just foods and soon enough the scalp/skin will not warm up and turn red. BUT, the blood still has the same job, to come remove the herbs from your hair. THE BLOOD ALWAYS DOES ALL THE REAL WORK.

So with dealing with thin hair, poor hair, balding hair or any health situation, the blood needs some raw organic herbal minerals --or what they understood back in 1957 to be co-q10 building herbs. Sadly what scientist create in labs and try to sale as co-q10 is a joke and not real and made from tobacco. REAL CO-Q1 or Q-10 results when you have the proper organic minerals from diet/herbs.

So with the hair:

1. internal such as teas or any form of herbal powders/syrups/tinctures---basically what was coined BF&C many years ago---herbs rich in natural calcium/minerals that aided B (bones) F (flesh) and C (cartilage) I HAVE SEEN this BF&C theory work wonders for all pregnancies and raising of children---it truly works and can be endlessly made with different herbs of choice.

2. A spray- quick/easy, for grey hair and loss of hair.
The idea would be daily use for life
These sprays would effect total body health, such as better eye sight, better hearing, better everything, etc. same as all good herbs do over time.

3. A salve/paste- for direct treatment of a bald spot.
Direct, rubbed into the spot-----------put on thin or thick and amazingly it will be absorbed quicker than you would think--same with the sprays. As salves, apply at evening and wash out in the morning as desired or used anyway that is best for each situation.

HERBS ARE DEAD FOODS, just like all foods you eat----they have no brains, no abilities of their own, they are in fact, FOODS for your blood and the BLOOD does it all. ALL herbs are ADULT USE and ADULT start slow, small and over time, try more, try stronger. THOSE that always want to buy the most potent first, always doomed to fail. They think they are getting more value by buying the most potent. THE BEST is mild enough you will use it every day for life.......

AFTER ALL, when applying direct to your skull, you can be de-worming your brain----increasing circulation to your brain........reversing the hardness of the brain. ACTUALLY, all 3 of those things are just the side effects of regrowing better hair...and no matter how hard you try, your never going to cure just 1 part of your body, your hair will be a result of your total health, not just your scalp health.

EACH person is a different age and different degree of health and will make use of increased circulation and minerals differently---so impossible to state what one would expect to happen. The DEGREE that they make use of the herbs is the DEGREE they should expect if they use herbs to dissolve the rock out of their kidneys and stop drinking and eating rock---NATURALLY those folks will respond much faster.

I do believe Dr. Christopher was correct and I do believe direct concentrated salves takes the Christopher Theory and makes it easier and about 100+x stronger as desired. Dr. Christopher has bright white hair, he liked white hair. Yet, he said he never seen his methods fail those that applied them properly for color and restoration--he noted that men as bald as bowling balls regrew new hair..........and back in those days, many also grew a third set of teeth. BACK THEN it was a much less toxic world, today humans are failing / dropping like, people either take care of them selves or just obey like sheep and die like sheep.



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