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Herbal De-wormer Herbs

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Herbal De-wormer Herbs

There is no doubt that because the late Dr. Hulda Clark self-printed all her books in the back of her huge store, she flooded the world with her theories and beliefs. She was a "MASTER" self-promoting sales expert---she understood how to get people to sale her products for her....

1 example: she would tell the reader that they can gladly make and sale anything and everything as long as they attach her name to it---she was also a bit tricky in her explanations in her book--so when people tried to make stuff, it did not turn out the same; so they would be fearful they were not doing something correct. Otherwise she mad many concepts of promotions and gimmicks..and when you self-print, you can do it easily.

That said, she had her books printed in many different languages. The more books you can put out on the market, the faster you can sell your the general theory.

That said, Clark created the parasite general public informational books and supplied a generic version of herbs that she felt like she could corner the market on in her area of California. She probably had no clue how much she would become popular while she was writing her first book. In most every case, an author's first book will be the most honest book they ever write.

Clark and dozens of variations have been the bulk of the parasite herbs sought after on the internet.....her big 3: black walnut hull, cloves and wormwood. Her later books also highly praised olive leaf, pumpkin seed and oregano oil---what I call her top 6 herbs.

I was the first person to make her Kidney Blend of herbs as a liquid and the first to make the 3 de-wormer and the only person to make the 5 blend and this formula has went by many names, such as Old Amish De-wormer, Worms B Gone, P/W and many more.

When the amish re-sellers did their best to make the formula a kids only formula, even though Dr. Sutter believed it was the world's best and most powerful / adult strength....I eventually blended the Clark prefered herbs with the much more powerful Dr. Christopher preferred herbs that are adult use only. I then simple added the letter A to the end of the formula to state A for ADULT STRENGTH

Sadly that has also failed with the amish---they still use herbs as their medicines and after 10 years, many are saying they give the A to their children and they love it.

Clark later made some very extreme essential oil de-wormer formulas and in my opinion, they should never ever be given to children and are adult use only and such herbs should never be taken more than 30 day periods until the adult is sure they are not going to have some super cleanse where puss starts oozing out their skin.

SO I AGREE 100% with Dr. Kenneth Sutter, in reality, the first formula is the world's best and it is superior to take largest daily doses for 9 months, than it is to seek potent adult use only herbs and take for 30 days.

IN FACT, the original formula is best used every day as an ALL PURPOSE MINERAL FORMULA and best purchased wholesale by the case. The formula does much more than just an herbal de-wormer----MUCH MUCH MUCH more and dose related, it can be used to achieve many of the reasons people seek herbs in their diet.

Im am the only person to ever make the clark and christopher de-wormer herbs as syrup/tincture blends; I started that about 20 years ago at the request of the amish healer when he asked me to make it taste better for children.

I use the same powerful proper made tinctures, extracts and essential oils and then make concentrated water extracts/natural tree mineral concentrates, etc. and blend it all as 1 formula---this way the same de-wormer herbs are in there and made to taste better and supply natural organic minerals for better total health and teeth. In fact, it worked so well, I doubt very many amish in America exist that has not heard of it.

It has been sold as high as $150 a bottle around the world, but generally in North America under $50 a bottle depending on the re-seller's goals.

We never ever worry about anyone "copying" what we do, for the simple fact no book exist that explains the way I make herbal preparations and if they did read how I do it, they would give up before they tried, because such people never put that much effort forth best teacher was Dr. John R. Christopher and I believe as he believed when it comes to the use of herbs and then some....everyone is different and if we learn well, we take what our teachers learned and if possible, make it easier and better.

Those that only seek $$$, do like clark did, sale tiny bottles of tinctures for extreme prices and the taste of those types of tinctures is always nasty. In clark's case, since she added acidic acid, the taste was worse yet and 2 ounces bottles the norm 20 years ago.

We have always used 16 ounce bottles by the case as the "best". When people have enough, they tend to take enough and then become believers. Some like gallons, a few like drums, but nothing beats the 16 ounce bottles. Theoretically, these types of liquid herbal extracts will last a very very long time because they are based on herbal tincture extracts. A proper herbal tincture extract will not only not spoil, it will be better with age. With the Syrup / Tincture Blends that are always sold in 16 ounce bottles as a standard normal size---I have never ever seen or heard of a bottle going bad (spoil). No refrigeration required, but refrigeration never hurts if someone is looking for lifelong storage----my theory is that the best herbs are those that were consumed and not those that were collecting dust on a shelf.

That said, prices always go up--every commercial store I have ever used periodically all have that in common, they are forever raising their prices. EVERYTHING we buy, use in daily life, etc. has eternally went up in price practically every few months. Over the years, we have raised prices a little, but the same wholesale price I started with 20 years ago, we have never ever raised if the re-seller buys a drum.

Those that like the case of 25 standard wholesale always get the best deal and on special occasions a "stock-up" 1 time sale happens.....not very often, but on very rare this case these 2 formulas are listed as a Thanksgiving "Special" stock-up (1 time) sale. In this case, those that buy the 25 case wholesale, they a price cheaper than ever before in the past 20 years. I believe the theory of the website is to pick a different herbal formula per month and have a stock up sale; "if" his customers have interest. These 2 formulas have many names, but you can easily figure the name out. These can be seen at




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