Coffee and death
I have seen more people age and die as a result of coffee than all other deaths to date in my lifetime.
Naturally there are many things that kill people, but coffee stands out.
Recently a pastor of 45.5 years fell over dead. Not knowing if he drank coffee, I explained that person was killed by coffee or something very similar....We traveled 500 miles to his funeral. I immediately noticed his male children and their lack of hair and i knew the father had a lack of hair and his normal diet, etc.....and to my surprise-----not only was he a coffee drinker, he was known for his coffee making abilities....prized coffee drinker he was.......more so than normal humans by far. HOW MANY funerals you ever go to where the speakers talk about how he made great COFFEE and LOVED IT---------I was about drooling that my prediction had to be correct........
Then after the funeral, one of the family members commented on the quick Autopsy report...........he was found DEAD where he fell. That was my clue and it was early morning----YEAH, when they are sucking up that coffee so they can wake up and function............THESE TYPES always are DEAD before their head cracks on the cement.
Because this autopsy was the proof that the old medical books have always been correct:
Exploded HEART.
This simply means his adrenal gland ruptured after a lifetime of caffeine. (COFFEE)
This literally explodes your heart and you are dead before your body can hit the floor.
Caffeine ages you, destroys you---whips your adrenal glands.
is this a bad way to die?
Compared to many---no. 1 second you are alive, next second you are dead.ACTUALLY death by caffeine injection should be the way they kill humans in prisons.
Caffeine is slow death that changes your life as a drug addict.
I tasted coffee 1 time and spit it out and have never drank it---WHY? Because as a kid, I watched how coffee was hurting the people I loved most; same with cigarettes.
People love drugs and to harm their bodies-----after all, we have been in the end times a full 2,000 years, what else would you expect people to be doing?
tell a normal person coffee killed that person and they look at you like a chicken a second before the amish girl opens her knife and slices off the head........that dumbed down chicken KNEW NOTHING about survival---it only knew about FREE FOOD and FREE SHELTER during its socialism life.
Schools and teachers never ever want children to know why they die.