7 y
Starts in the gums
Very insightful, to learn of the large number of detrimental organisms finding harbor in the gums, which also get released into the blood stream. About 58 of them have been identified, and each have unique affinity for different organs of the body. Is this why cancer occurs on selected organs ? A strong case has already been made for these causing heart attacks. A couple videos bottom of the link are good, the one from Huggins takes you to see some of his other ones in the side bar. I consider this "major importance"
But, suggest also this one below, using a $ 300 microscope, you can actually look at the blood and see these things, and you can also learn how to get rid of them, and actually see them gone. Trust me, it works. Learning to perform a crenation test is not difficult and provides useful info. Often we find the lipids totally missing on the red cells
These sorts of pathogens in the blood, combined with a chemical carcinogenic agent and weakened oxidation system, is the best explanation I have ever considered for the true cause of carcinogenesis. The reversals seem to support this hypothesis.