Re: Borax; increased fluoride excretion
Very weak effect, if you actually review the data, and don't just go by the hype in the headline. For example, Zhou's research in the article cited, see page 25 here is link cited by the article:
IN some cases, the fluoride excretion was actually less when taking boron ! So for some people, taking boron inhibits fluoride excretion, thats what the numbers in your cited article state.
All this boron / fluoride removal talk is suspect. Page 25, see case 7, excretion was 54 mg per 24 hours with no boron supplementation. With boron supplementation, the fluoride excretion actually DECREASED !! It is your choice to actually look at the data, or not. Many of the other cases exhibit same effect, that boron decreased fluoride excretion. I did not write it, only am reading what you have so kindly provided. Case #9, case # 13, case # 14. Case # 12 fluoride excretion increased after therapy was stopped !
I hope you don't perceive this posting as insult or cut you down. A lot of people seem to have become weenies, hopefully you have more strength and can consider this constructive criticism. The message is, there is more to it than simple "boron removes fluoride" like so many claim, without actually reading the data, the devil is in the details. Clearly there is more to this.
What some might want to do maybe is look a little further than first appearances and seek to understand the underlying reasons why the results are inconsistent and then improve on it to support your theory that boron removes fluoride. For this a basic understanding that boron does not exist as boron, but rather always as oxide in these supplements you all take. Then look to enzymes necessary to remove oxygen from borate and stick a fluorine on it to form BF4- anion, inspect the conditions necessary for those enzymes to function, then maybe you have something. As it stands, all that can be said is if a person takes borax, "there is about a 60% possibility you will excrete more fluoride" . If this topic were more interesting to me, I'd seek out ways to make the 60% figure more closely approach 90%. A little bit is better than nada, good luck, I hope you figure it out.