The Concentrates
The Concentrates
A well-known concentrate is what people know as salves and ointments. Today people use very little salves and often they are sold in tiny little plastic containers and mostly the market is for lips. I looked at better ways to make herbal tinctures many years ago and do not use “water” when making them. I like tinctures because they get better with age; 12 years old is great, 100 years old is better when properly made. Herbal tinctures are as old as herbal medicines, but the earliest has to be essential oils Egyptian Style. In Egypt there is many hand blown glass shops and many resale old style Egyptian Flower Oils. Their method is to put a few drops of the oils in a blown glass device that holds a small candle that heats the oil and then a person blows hard on the top of the device and the room fills with an essential oil vapor.
The Egyptian Way uses aging and expensive in comparison with steam distilled essential oils of today. Sadly many authors today believe 90+% of all commercial essential oils sold today are synthetics that were made with no herbs; yet sold as pure essential oils. It appears the essential oil markets have always been corrupt and once any essential oils become popular enough to sale, the commercial companies mass-produce synthetics. We are way past the time when a label can be trusted form commercial sources.
Essential oils are just one part of an herb, the same as a herbal tincture is just the parts that will dissolve in alcohol/water. Powder and Tea cut is the whole herb. Those that seek to make medicine quality herbs identify what they believe are the medical properties of an herb, then seek to concentrate that and then make a Herbal “Extract” Powder. Basically liquefying the medical qualities and then drying their collection back to a powder. This still has the whole herb, but with what scientist believe is a concentrate of the medical properties. Dr. John R. Christopher believed this was 1 step too far, because now the body is dealing with something not found in Nature. Those that make these extracts believe they are natural medicines.
With the 1957 Co-Q10 Theory, humans do well with a little of all the 220+ natural herb sugars found in nature and a small amount of all the organic minerals plants and trees can supply. The scientist understand that land that was once at the bottom of the oceans, makes for the best soil to supply the herbs with all the minerals required for healthy plants and trees and as the rains wash the ocean minerals slowly down the rivers back to the oceans, the soils become depleted. This happens after the trees have been destroyed and can no longer hold the soil and minerals from washing away. Trees supply and make up the organic rich soil that farmers remove so they can plant crops. The erosion then starts back to the oceans. With mammals, it seems all mammals require small daily amounts of all the organic minerals the liver and blood make use of what is needed and organic minerals are used and expelled and never accumulate as waste in the body, while inorganic minerals found in well water will literally turn your organs rock hard over a lifetime. Once your organs fill with rock minerals, you become old and shrink and become brittle as you become rock like.
After 25 years of looking at the herbal history being proof that large herbal formulas were always the most successful, I concluded over and over again that the scientist back in 1957 were the most correct in how humans make use of their foods. On the subject of Co-Q10, they first made it from beef liver and then gave it to the Japanese to mass-produce and they chose tobacco and it is still made from tobacco to this day. I believe herbs like Ginseng, Black Walnut and basically all herbs would have been better sources that cow liver or tobacco. In China the largest pharmaceutical grade fruit and herb producers for the commercial world make Co-Q10, but took it a step further and refined it to a product they call Q-10. I make this Q-10 as a Q-10 Tincture and as a Q-10 Oil Extract. The thing I have always noticed with the Co-Q 10 and Q-10 products is that if you take very much, it can result in developing a fever. Naturally the Q-10 does not cause a fever, the fever is a result of the blood / brain desiring to cleanse the body. This can literally end with you laying in bed sweating for about as many days as you choose to take a large dose. Q-10 or Co-Q10 is a perfect example of A Concentrated Herbal Extract made by labs. Such concentrates are stronger than found in nature and can only be produced in pharmaceutical type labs.
When you look at teas, powders, tinctures, essential oils, oils, tinctures and herbal extracts it is a HUGE SUBJECT to self-explore. A few hundred years ago it was simple, you collected a herb, be it a flower, root, bark, leaf, nut, etc. and you chewed it and spit out the fiber after you absorbed the minerals that could be absorbed by way of your teeth and salvia. Once people had pots and pans and able to heat water, they boiled and made herb tea. In ancient china they would burn herbs and stand over the coals and breath in the smoke. Herbal concentrates date back to the biblical days of the spice trade.
With my belief that the 1957 Scientist believed that we humans do well with a small amount of “everything” daily and seeing that the successful herbal doctors made very large herbal formulas; I concluded the more herbs in a formula, the better. Those that like to explore the medical properties of each herb can consume 1 herb for a week or month until they feel and experience what each herb has to supply and the herb books are filled with such information.
I like the herbal formulas of the late Dr. John R. Christopher; his teachers and friends such as Sitting Bull, Harry Hoxey, Dr. Shook and many others along with lifelong experience dating back to being the first and only herbal doctor of world war 1, I believe Dr. Christopher’s 60+ formulas based on his top 100 list of herbs is the best herbal “foundation” and the reason I took the Christopher Master Herbalist Schooling and I believe as Dr. Christopher did about diet and herbs. Dr/ Christopher believed every formula could be made with fewer herbs or more herbs of personal choice. As an example, I believe every herbal formula is better when Olive leaf and Essential Oil of Oregano is added.
I make the Dr. Christopher herb formulas “My Way”. What I call an Herbal Concentrate is when I blend Herb Powder, with Herb Tinctures, Essential Oils, Oils and concentrates such as sorghum molasses and maple syrup and end up with a giant blend that would be an example of the 1957 Theory using herbs and not beef liver or tobacco. These Herbal Concentrates eliminate all the gimmicks in that you have no capsules, no added water and just 100% usable herbs in a very thick Paste. You could virtually take all 60+ of Dr. Christopher’s famous formulas and make a thick paste for each one. The varieties I have explored we call:
Bone Builder
Kids B Well
Iodine / Potassium Rich
Longevity Spices
Women’s Wellness
Women’s Wellness Pre-cleanse
Men’s Wellness
Men’s Wellness Pre-Cleanse
LBB + Laxative
Dr. Clark (de-wormer)
Dr. Christopher (de-wormer)
Sleep Eze
The Herbal Concentrates are my end version of self-exploring herbs for 25+ years. The theory is that you put a teaspoon of the concentrate in your mouth and hold it as it slowly dissolves. This is a highly concentrated herbal food. I suggested 1 pound per month as an average and for a competitive sports person, perhaps 2 pounds per month or as desired. Kids in football should take this every day in my opinion and often. Professional Sports Players may even try a pound per week.
It is this simple; you could blend all of the above herbal concentrates into 1 concentrate. You could make all 60+ of the Dr. Christopher formulas into 1 concentrate and the larger the formula, the more it would follow the 1957 Co-Q10 Theory. Dr. Christopher said if it were not for herbal capsules, he would have starved to death as a herbal doctor. This simply means people in general do not want to taste herbs, so herbal paste concentrates are not for everyone. Picky people will hate tasting such herbs in their mouth; while others will absolutely love the idea of no additives, no water, no capsule and a little of everything in 1 formula.
When I look at human health and herbal use, I believe human health results when the diet is not deficient in organic minerals and when the diet lacks, human health lacks. I believe parasites are a result of a deficient diet. I believe the child is a result of the parent’s health and birth defects are the results of poisons and deficiency and when mother’s health is not perfect, baby will not be perfect.
I believe the greatest value in all of human life is proper nutrition of the parents “Before” pregnancy. A healthy foundation is “everything”. Herbs are worth more than gold from pregnancy through - out age 5 when the body is forming and developing. They say after age 5 the brain is pretty much set. I believe all can live better, but we cannot deny we are the results of our ancestors. What I call books 2 & 3 explains environmental problems over the past 100 years; the more you understand your environment and your life, the better your chances of longevity in my opinion. No one cares more about you, than you.
Those that are over whelmed and have no interest in the use of herbs, will discover the Lower Bowel Balance Capsules will enable them to enjoy the life they choose better and longer and will eventually call the capsules better than gold and never want to be with out them. No matter where we travel, we take 3 things: The Air Freshen Machine, LBB Capsules and lots of Herbal Spray 1. If we go out of country, a must have is a small bottle of Oregano Oil as insurance against disease. If the vacation is an extended one, Men’s and Women’s Wellness Capsules a must, I do not think my wife has went a day in the past 20 years with out Women’s Wellness and she almost always takes the P/W A every morning along with L/G Cleanse. People past age 40 should take Hormone Balance every day, so I always ad this to the large formulas.
Out of everything I have ever read, I believe the 1957 Co-Q10 Scientist was the most correct in their description of how human digestive and elimination organs function, they were just seeking to make a patentable product for sale and since they can not patent herbs, they always seek the wrong things and always come up short.
Everything I have learned and have written, is in my 502 page paper book and on the maxed out USB option that is loaded with books and all the past news letters, pictures, etc. for those that like it all and then some.
Many Blessings
MH 108