Re: Hair analysis says I'm high in sodium, arsenic, sodium/magnesium, and strontium. What does that tell you?
Thank you. Ill take your response into account. I don't know about my blood
Sugar regulation. Wouldn't know how to test it. I've been getting a bit better though with everything I've been doing but/ so idk what's helping. Not so much dizziness upon standing up fpr ex.. As far as
Sugar goes I've cut that out by a good 80%. Diet overall is very controlled and yeah I'm still trying to space it out as much as possible and eat only as necessary. My internal jury is still out on what's the best way to go about that. But i like the concept of eating less having the body adjust. And I do like saving money on not eating so much. At least one good meal a day plus a healthy shake and my vitamin/ mineral water, both drinks are vitamin/ supplement concoctions so I know I'm not sufficient there... two or three jujitsu classes a week which anywhere you read is too much and yeah it hurts me hence 3 days max but it's a personal thing i have to do and it's a gauge for my health, which basically consistently tells me I'm ill. I'd like to be able to get some relief on the skin issues i get with it, as if the joint and muscle pain overall inflamation isn't enough, but the itchy skin/ eczema all over is pretty annoying 24/7.
Planning on getting my few
Amalgam fillings replaced before heavy metal detoxing, which I've been doin a bit with different supplements but I'm kinda holding off on them. Went to regular dentist then learned you gotta go to a special kind of dentist who knows what's up otherwise you're dealing with 'mainstream ' thinking people who typically think their degree makes them more knowledgeable than they necessarily are. That's always an annoying experience. Don't like going to regular doctors or taking my cats you the vet. But anyway, found a dentist in the area who's a part of that organization that promotes... i forget off the top of my head, something about safe/ smart/ holistic dentistry, so they should be able to take care of me without infecting me with my fillings. Gawd, regular dentist had the receptionist relay to me that no they don't do any kind of 'elimination' as it's not necessary and that I should feel free to search for another dentist that does' thanks for the extra unnecessary patronizing words lol. A simple 'no, sorry ' would have sufficed.
I'm hoping after a get those out and do some good chelating ill start to notice some improvements. Lots of mental issues that i instinctively feel are big factors but my pain and fatigue make the tasks, small daily and large spiritually challenging huge ones seem so daunting to impossible. Just a good but of physical relief i feel will work my life wonders. Fingers crossed. Ill take other poster's advice and submit my hair test to this other forum where the community helps decipher it